

In the DC Comics, the Riddler (Jim Carrey), real name Edward Nigma, is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the superhero Batman. The Riddler takes delight in incorporating riddles and puzzles into his criminal plots, often leaving them as clues for the authorities and Batman to solve.

Vape Nation

In this YouTube video, Ethan of h3h3 spends his day off in search of the fattest rip. He’s dressed to impress with Vape Nation pride and a killer socks and sandals combo.

Nick from Left 4 Dead

In Left 4 Dead 2, Nick is a gambler and a con artist with a shady―even violent―past. He wears a white suit and blue shirt he claims is worth $10,000. He has multiple rings on his finger, one of which bears a symbol belonging to a gang. It can be gathered from his appearance that he is a ladies’ man as he has lipstick smudged on his collar as well as a love bite, or hickey, on his neck.

Big Bad Wolf from Into the Woods

In Into the Woods, the Big Bad Wolf (Johnny Depp) comes upon Little Red Riding Hood strolling through the forest and sees her as easy prey.

Pepe the Frog

Pepe the Frog is an anthropomorphic frog character from the comic series Boy’s Club by Matt Furie. On 4chan, various illustrations of the frog creature have been used as reaction faces, including Feels Good Man, Sad Frog, Angry Pepe, Smug Frog and Well Meme’d.


In Terminator 2, the Cyberdyne Systems T-800 Model (Arnold Schwarzenegger), once referred to as “Uncle Bob”, was sent from the future to arrive in Acton, California on June 8, 1995. Its mission was to protect young John Connor, which it successfully completed.

Baker from Into the Woods

In Into the Woods, the Baker (James Corden) wishes for a child, but is cursed by the Witch because his father was found robbing her garden. The Witch offers to lift the curse if the Baker can retrieve four items for her: a cow as white as milk, a cape as red as blood, hair as yellow as corn, and a slipper as pure as gold.

Kaz Miller

In Metal Gear Solid, Kazuhira Miller is the subcommander of both the Militaires Sans Frontières and Diamond Dogs, and later, the survival trainer of FOXHOUND. He is well-read and possesses a vast array of scientific knowledge.

Nino from Miraculous Ladybug

In Miraculous Ladybug, Nino is tall, with short dark brown hair, brown skin, and golden brown eyes. He wears a plain red cap, black-rimmed glasses, and dark gray, blue, and orange headphones around his neck. He wears a short-sleeved blue shirt with a eye design on the front, having a black pupil, white sclera, dark gray upper eyelid with lashes, and light blue lower lid. Additionally, he wears lime green, pink, red, blue, and yellow bands around his right wrist, blue-gray jeans, and red and white high collar shoes with a white knight design on the tongues.


In The Walking Dead, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is the leader of a group of survivors called the Saviors, who subjugate other communities for protection in return for protection from zombies. When Rick Grimes encounters Negan and his baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire called Lucille, he may have finally met his match.

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