
Phineas Flynn

Phineas (voiced by Vincent Martella) spends his summers with his stepbrother Ferb coming up with projects and activities to keep themselves busy. Phineas is extremely creative and optimistic which often makes him the driving force behind their schemes.


In Harry Potter, Tom Riddle becomes Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), leader of a league of evil wizards and witches, and arch-enemy of Harry Potter. He alternatively goes by the nicknames He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and He-Without-A-Nose.

Matt Foley

On Saturday Night Live, Matt Foley (Chris Farley) is a motivational speaker with all the wrong qualities. He’s disheveled, eats a steady diet of government cheese, and lives in a van down by the river. If you’re doing any better, well whoop-dee-frickin-doo!

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox

Paul Bunyan is an American folk legend who’s a lumberjack known for his giant stature, superhuman labors and his blue ox, Babe.

Bob Wiley

In What About Bob?, Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) is a good-natured psychiatric patient. When his therapist goes on vacation, Bob decides to follow. Initially, he’s only a mild annoyance to Dr. Marvin but as Bob ingratiates himself and his condition improves, Dr. Marvin gets pushed over the edge.

Felix Fischoeder

In Bob’s Burgers, Felix Fischoeder (voiced by Zach Galifianakis) is Mr. Calvin Fischoeder’s younger brother who’s as equally eccentric as he is. Felix is responsible for Calvin’s missing eye though how this happened is unknown.

Splatoon Inklings

In the Nintendo Wii U game Splatoon, Inklings are players who can transform between humanoid and squid forms. Their goal is to shoot ink in their team color and splat more of the environment than their opponents. You could go all the way by filling your water gun with bright paint, but I wouldn’t advise it.

Ferb Fletcher

Ferb Fletcher (voiced by Thomas Brodie-Sangster) is Phineas’s step-brother from the U.K. They spend their summers together coming up new things to do every day. This usually involves Ferb creating large scale inventions using his engineering skills. Ferb is usually quiet and when he does speak he’s more likely to sing.

Gandalf the Grey

In the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellen) is a wizard who leads the Fellowship of the Ring. He faces off against some of the biggest and baddest, including the Balrog, Sauron, and Saruman the White.

Greg from Over the Garden Wall

In Over the Garden Wall, Greg (voiced by Collin Dean) is Wirt’s younger half-brother. Unlike his worrywart brother, Greg is carefree and loves adventure. For this costume, you’ll need to roll up your sleeves to hem the overalls and dye them olive green and to paint the teapot-hat silver.

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