Gori from Aggretsuko
Gori (voice by Maki Tsuruta in the original Japanese and by G.K. Bowes in the English dub) is a big-hearted gorilla at the head of marketing for Chalaryman Trading Company. She is best friend’s with the CEO’s secretary and quickly becomes close friends with Retsuko. Gori feels deeply and isn’t afraid to show it to her friends though she keeps it cool at work. And for good reason: she is one half of the most powerful duo in the company!
To get Gori’s look you need a few key pieces. Her signature pink midi and matching pink heels are the most important parts of the costume. After that you’ll need gold stud earrings and a gold bead necklace. Finish off the costume with a black bobbed wig and you’re good to go!
Roxy Lalonde from Homestuck
While there are two versions of Roxy Lalonde we went with the post-scratch version. Prior to the scratch Roxy was an adult and the mother of another character named Rose. After the scratch she is effectively her daughter’s age and joins in the adventures more fully.
There are many fan versions of Roxy that change the hair colors and other small details. For this costume, however, we’re trying to stick close to what you see on the screen. This means you’ll want a short white wig and white body paint. Then, using pink fabric paint, recreate Roxy’s pink decal on a white t-shirt. Finish off her look with a white skirt, black leggings, and white sneakers.
The Blight for Dead by Daylight
In Dead by Daylight, The Blight (Talbot Grimes) was a Scottish chemist working for the East India Trading Company during the First Opium War. He lived in denial of the human costs of his experiments, until he was taken captive and forced to confront the truth of his unethical actions in the form of a mass grave full of workers who died from his compounds. The revelation combined with his captivity and obsessive drive to experiment eventually drove him into the waiting arms of The Entity of Dead by Daylight.
Duke Caboom from Toy Story 4
Duke Caboom, voiced by Keanu Reeves, is a new character in Toy Story 4. Dressed in red and white, Duke Caboom is Canada’s greatest stuntman. He makes his debut in the pinball machine of Second Chance Antiques. Woody and Bo Peep seek his help to retrieve Forky from the clutches of Gabby Gabby. At first, he’s uncertain he’ll make the jump because of his failed attempt with his kid, Rejean. But the other toys point out that he’s best at crashing, and help him find some confidence. He is known for his many action poses. Use the red tape for the stripe on his helmet. Paint the stripes on his suit and bottom of the sneakers red. Tip for the cape: Print out a picture of a maple leaf and make a stencil, then paint the white around it.
Trish Una
Trish Una is a character in the hit anime JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. She appears in the fifth arc titled Golden Wind. Because she’s the daughter of Diavolo, the mafia Boss, Bruno Bucciarati and his gang must protect her from her father’s enemies. Once she awakens her Stand, she becomes a valuable addition to the team. Her Stand is called Spice Girl, which can soften any object and give it elastic properties. At first, Trish Una is spoiled and selfish, given her parentage, but she eventually grows into a confident and assertive fighter.
Éomer is a minor character in Lord of the Rings. As the son of King Theoden, he leads the Riders of Rohan, who serve as calvary to the army of Gondor led by Aragorn. He is an ally for the forces of good, as he fights alongside the Fellowship and other men against Mordor. When his father dies in the Battle of Pelennor Fields, he becomes King of Rohan. His sister is the shieldmaiden Éowyn. In the movie adaptations, Karl Urban plays this role. For this costume, sling the brown belt around your shoulder to cross over your body.
Marsellus Wallace from Pulp Fiction
Marsellus Wallace played by Ving Rhames is the mob boss running all of LA. He is married to Mia Wallace who he is extremely protective of. Recently Marsellus has lost something very important of his briefcase and has hired two hitmen to get it back for him. The bandaid on the back of his head is not explained in the film but is an important characteristic.
Claudette Morel from Dead by Daylight
Claudette Morel is a studious botanist turned healer, and one of the original quartet of survivors in the game Dead by Daylight. Formerly an introverted college student, she now uses her natural empathy and botany knowledge to heal herself and the other survivors as they are hunted. Before finding herself lost in the woods and fighting the game’s many killers, Claudette was active and popular on Internet forums and message boards under the screen name Science Girl
The Roxbury Guys
Before the movie A Night at the Roxbury premiered, the Roxbury Guys were tearing up the dance floor on Saturday Night Live. While Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan played the brothers Steve and Doug Butabi, they were also often joined by other SNL cast members and hosts including Jim Carrey in one of the most iconic versions of the skit. To hang at the Roxbury, you need a fitted black t-shirt, thick silver chain, and an oversized two-piece suit (the shinier the better), not to mention plenty of hair gel to keep your strands in place while you bop along to “What is Love.”
Todd Alquist from Breaking Bad
Todd Alquist (played by Jesse Plemons) is a quintessential criminal. He is loyal to his employers and will just about anything they ask of him. From murder to torture to cooking meth he will carry out every order directed his way. The one exception is harming Walter White due to his personal respect for the man. Unfortunately for Todd, that respect didn’t extend to Jesse which brought about Todd’s ultimate end.
Because Todd is committed to his job, his clothing is very utilitarian. Black work boots, jeans, a grey henley, and a black button down. He also has gloves and kneepads for the dirtier side of his work. And if you want to go the extra mile you can dye your hair the same shade of strawberry blonde though many people will have to bleach their hair first.