

In Dragon Ball Z, Launch is a women with a peculiar disorder where she switches personalities (and hair color) whenever she sneezes. Her first personality is a sweet, pure-hearted, blue-haired woman, while the second is an angry, trigger-happy, blonde woman who commits crimes.

Numbuh 3

In Codename: Kids Next Door, Kuki Sanban is Numbuh 3, a happy-go-lucky Japanese girl with a short attention span. She’s the “Diversionary Tactics Expert,” and is the nurse of the medical lab and primary caretaker of hamsters in Sector V.

Rosa from Pokemon

In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, Rosa (Mei in Japan) is a Pokemon trainer from Aspertia City. She sets off with her friend Nate to collect Pokemon, taking a journey across the Unova region.

Judy Hopps in Zootopia

In Zootopia, Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) is a rabbit from the small town of Bunnyburrow who moves to the big city to join the police department. Despite being police valedictorian, she is relegated to parking duty by Chief Bogo due to her diminuitive stature.

Mac DeMarco

Mac DeMarco is a Canadian singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer. His style of music has been creatively described as “blue wave”, “slacker rock”, or self-described by DeMarco as the non-sequitur “jizz jazz”. His style of clothing has been creatively described as “Alberta workforce fashion”.

Brock Samson

In the Venture Bros., Brock Samson (voiced by Patrick Warburton) is a bodyguard for the Venture Family. He is a gold-locked, government-trained, murder machine, wielding a Ka-Bar fighting knife and a license to kill.

Susie Salmon

In the Lovely Bones, a novel by Alice Sebold and adapted to film by Peter Jackson, Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) is a teenage girl who is murdered. From her personal heaven, she witnesses her friends and family struggle to move on with their lives, and comes to terms with her own tragic death.

Briar Rose

In Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, the newborn Princess Aurora is cursed by Maleficent, causing the King to fear for her safety and hide her away in a woodcutter’s cottage until her sixteenth birthday. She assumes the identity of Briar Rose, growing up into a beautiful woman with a beautiful singing voice.


In Steven Universe, Peridot is an antagonist until she reaches a truce with the Crystal Gems. She lives at the barn with Lapis Lazuli. She wears various shades of green to match her lime-green skin and yellow-green hair.


In Stranger Things, Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) is a mysterious young girl with telekinetic powers and a limited vocabulary who appears in small town Indiana. Her name is taken from an “11” tattoo on her wrist. Mike Wheeler befriends the girl, nicknaming her El and showing her the wonders of his dad’s La-Z-Boy chair.

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