Felix Fischoeder
In Bob’s Burgers, Felix Fischoeder (voiced by Zach Galifianakis) is Mr. Calvin Fischoeder’s younger brother who’s as equally eccentric as he is. Felix is responsible for Calvin’s missing eye though how this happened is unknown.
Orbit Gum Girl
The Orbit Girl (played by Vanessa Branch and Farris Patton) is a British woman who finds herself in dirty situations, like off-road safaris, but always wearing pristine white clothes, a scarf, and a smile. Perhaps the Orbit Gum that has something to do with that.
Splatoon Inklings
In the Nintendo Wii U game Splatoon, Inklings are players who can transform between humanoid and squid forms. Their goal is to shoot ink in their team color and splat more of the environment than their opponents. You could go all the way by filling your water gun with bright paint, but I wouldn’t advise it.
Ferb Fletcher
Ferb Fletcher (voiced by Thomas Brodie-Sangster) is Phineas’s step-brother from the U.K. They spend their summers together coming up new things to do every day. This usually involves Ferb creating large scale inventions using his engineering skills. Ferb is usually quiet and when he does speak he’s more likely to sing.
1984 Apple Macintosh Runner
In the Apple Macintosh commercial, directed by Ridley Scott and aired during the 1984 Super Bowl, rows of people mindlessly march in step to Big Brother giving a speech on the telescreen. This monotony is broken up when a nameless runner (Anya Major) dressed in colorful gym clothes hurls a hammer through the screen, awakening the brainwashed masses from their routine.
Gandalf the Grey
In the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellen) is a wizard who leads the Fellowship of the Ring. He faces off against some of the biggest and baddest, including the Balrog, Sauron, and Saruman the White.
Melanie Daniels
In Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) is a socialite who’s attacked one day by a seagull. Not long after, she notices a huge number of crows amassing at a nearby playground. The birds are acting strange, but you’d never guess what they do next.
Greg from Over the Garden Wall
In Over the Garden Wall, Greg (voiced by Collin Dean) is Wirt’s younger half-brother. Unlike his worrywart brother, Greg is carefree and loves adventure. For this costume, you’ll need to roll up your sleeves to hem the overalls and dye them olive green and to paint the teapot-hat silver.
Professor Chaos
In South Park, Professor Chaos is the alter ego that Butters takes on after he’s exiled from the crew for being too uncool. As Professor Chaos, he spreads discord in the world by doing things like spraying aerosol cans to destroy the atmosphere, and no doubt wasting lots of aluminum foil.