Fubuki from One-Punch Man
Fubuki (Saori Hayami / Laura Post), the younger sister of Tatsumaki (Aoi Yuki / Marieve Herington), is a B-Class hero in the universe of One-Punch Man. Her hero training and psychic powers earned her the name Blizzard of Hell, and she takes her advancement in the realm of heroes very, very seriously. For the proper effect, make sure to wear the fur coat draped over your shoulders and not as an actual jacket.
Stella Gibson
Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) is a sexually uninhibited woman with a frigid, cold exterior and burning hot interior. An English detective assigned to Belfast in Northern Ireland, she catches the serial killer case dubbed Operation Musicman in the Netflix series The Fall. Eventually she develops a complex, intense relationship with the serial killer Paul Spector. To capture her image, dress in a black skirt suit with beautiful, silky, luxurious blouses underneath and never smile.
Ensign Ro Laren
A Bajoran with a chip on her shoulder, Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) joins the crew of the USS Enterprise in the fifth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. She is a tough, strong woman with a scarred past and initially butts heads with the entire crew. Eventually they warm up to each other, though it takes a season or two. As the comm officer on the bridge, she wears the Starfleet Command Red uniform along with a traditional Bajoran family earrings and a distinctive red headband.
Lee Harris from American Horror Story: Roanoke
A tough, no-nonsense police officer, mother and recovering alcoholic hiding a dark secret, Lee Harris (Adina Porter) is the sister of Matt Miller on the TV show American Horror Story: Roanoke. She becomes drawn into the bloody events at her brother’s house when the spirits of the land steal her child and hide her in the forest. A fiercely protective mother, Lee proceeds to do anything to save her. When off duty she wears simple clothes with signature jewelry and a short pixie hair cut.
Laura Palmer
Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) was the daughter of Leland & Sarah Palmer found deceased in Twin Peaks, Washington in the 1990 David Lynch series Twin Peaks. It’s FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper who’s called into the sleepy town to investigate the potential murder.
Donna Pinciotti
Donna Pinciotti (Laura Prepon) is the tomboy next-door neighbor and love interest of Eric Foreman in the 1998 sitcom That’s 70s Show. She tends to find herself hanging out often with the guys, growing more feminine over the course of the show when she realizes her true feelings for Eric.
Star Butterfly
Princess Star Butterfly is the main protagonist of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. She is a teenage princess of the Kingdom of Mewni (located in another dimension) sent to Earth by her parents in order to learn how to use the royal magic wand.
Cora Crawley
On Downton Abbey, Cora Crawley (Elizabeth McGovern) is an American heiress who became Countess of Grantham when she married Lord Robert Crawley. Though their marriage is arranged, she shows love for her husband and is generally sweet and accommodating. Born into a wealthy family, she is elegant, poised, and quite comfortable in fine clothing and jewelry.
Sarah Borden
The Prestige is a film about the rivalry between real-life magicians, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden. Sarah Borden (Rebecca Hall) is the wife of Alfred Borden, a magician in 19th century England.
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Mary Crawley (Michelle Dockery) is the eldest daughter of Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham on Downton Abbey. Spanning from the post-Edwardian era to the 1920’s, Mary Crawley is always at the height of fashion. She is elegant, graceful, and poised, but she has a bitter, aloof attitude.