Space Jam: A New Legacy DIY Costume Guide
In 1996 Space Jam awed kids all over. Even kids who didn't watch basketball begged to see it because of Michael Jordan and all the Looney Tunes. A new generation of kids gets to experience the same enchantment with Space Jam: A New Legacy. This time they're treated to LeBron James as he tries to rescue his son from a wayward AI. And, with the help of the Looney Tunes, he knows he can.
Unlike most of the players in Space Jam, you can choose your team. If you're feeling a little more mischievous than usual you can join the Goon Squad with purple shorts and a custom jersey. A full Toon Squad set lands you with Bugs and the gang. And a face painting kit can help you get the look of your favorite character. You might want to get Bugs' look or maybe you want to go with Chronos' style and get in sync with time.
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