

In Overwatch, McCree is a gunslinger and vigilante. Near or far, he’s able to fell his opponents with deadly accuracy, fanning the hammer on his Peacekeeper, stunning enemies with flashbang, and activating his deadeye ability whenever it hits high noon.

Make Your Own: Tracer from Overwatch

Skill Level: Advanced I would recommend this NOT be the first costume you make yourself if you have never endeavored […]


In Overwatch, Reaper (real name Gabriel Reyes) was a senior officer in the US military. After a fight with Jack Morrison left him heavily disfigured (and Morrison turned into Soldier: 76), he resurfaced as the volatile and ruthless mercenary known as Reaper.

Soldier: 76

In Overwatch, Soldier: 76 (real name Jack Morrison) is the archetypal soldier hero with a military background and a pulse rifle as his primary weapon. He is the product of a top-secret soldier enhancement program that has gifted him with superhuman speed, strength, and agility.


In Overwatch, Tracer (real name Lena Oxton) is a young ace pilot from the UK. When a flight experiment goes wrong, her molecules become desynchronized from the flow of time. Fortunately, Winston designs a device that anchors her to the present and even gives her the power to control her own time.


In Overwatch, D.Va (real name Hana Song) is a former professional gamer from South Korea. After the Omnic crisis, she was drafted into the military, to pilot MEKA mech suits in defense of her nation. She takes this on with a fearless and upbeat attitude and like most gamers, indulges in junk food in her downtime. Complete the full look with this D.Va makeup guide.


In Overwatch, Mei Ling Zhou is a scientist who has taken it into her own hands to fight climate change. She fights global warming by freezing everything in her sight using her powers including endothermic blaster, cryo-freeze, and blizzard.

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