The Widow DIY Costume Guide
In Into the Badlands, The Widow (Emily Beecham), also known as Minerva, is the Baron of Oil, succeeding her abusive husband after she murdered him. The Widow is one of the best fighters in the Badlands, giving Nathaniel Moon, Sunny, and others plenty of trouble, specializing in hand-to-hand combat and dual-wielding swords.
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You are a goddess😘 any pics of you wearing it?;)
Little creepy David, don’t you think
Re reading my comment, yes it was. Thank you. And I apologize to the author. I meant that they are a goddess for putting the list together but a simple thank you would have sufficed. I was really excited to find this since I had absolutely no clue where to begin with the widows costume, but that’s no excuse for a stupid, creepy comment