The Wraith from Dead by Daylight Costume

The Wraith from Dead by Daylight

The Wraith, whose real name is Philip Ojomo, is one of the original trio of killers introduced in the video game Dead by Daylight. Ojomo was an immigrant fleeing conflict in his homeland of Nigeria who had the misfortune of working at a mob-owned junkyard. Eventually, Ojomo realized the cars he was being asked to crush had people inside and he had been used as a pawn to dispose of their bodies. Horrified, Ojomo put his boss in the crusher and killed him. He then pulled his boss’ head and spine from his body, which became the weapon known as Azarov's Skull, now used by the Wraith as his primary weapon. If you're willing to shell out some big bucks, you can find replicas of this weapon for your costume. Otherwise, it may take a little creativity, but with a little patience, you can create a lookalike yourself by disassembling a plastic skeleton and gluing a fake blade into the skull portion. Likewise, you could purchase a pre-made mask or DIY one with a twisted-looking tree mask and some skill with a paintbrush.

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