
Although she had very little screen time and no dialogue, Dolly (Blanche Ravalec) crept into viewers hearts when she rescued and fell in love with the henchman Jaws in the James Bond film Moonraker. A small, blonde, nerdy woman with glasses and pigtails, she charms Jaws into betraying his boss and working with Bond to stop him – all without saying a word. Attract your own jaws with an orange flight suit, blonde pigtails, glasses and the biggest smile you can manage.


A favorite henchman among James Bond fans, Jaws (Richard Kiel) is a brute of a man, tall and strong, with signature metal teeth that can cut through steel. He appears in two films: The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker, working for different villains in each one. In The Spy who Loved Me he never sided with Bond, but in Moonraker he meets a girl named Dolly and decides to join forces with Bond against his employer. While Jaws usually appears in a suit, go for his more distinctive look of shirt and suspenders to really make an impression.

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