Andy from Toy Story

In Toy Story, Andy Davis receives a Buzz Lightyear action figure for his 8th birthday, causing tension between Buzz and Woody, who has always prided himself on being Andy’s favorite. For the birthday party, he wore a red cowboy hat, a green t-shirt with a cowboy playing a guitar on the top right corner, blue shorts, white socks, and white sneakers with blue laces.

Sid from Toy Story

In Toy Story, Sid Phillips is a bratty, disturbed neighbor of Andy. He takes joy in terrorizing his younger sister and destroying toys like Woody, using everything from an M-80 to his pet dog Scud. Famously, Will Poulter, who has more than a passing resemblance, dressed up as Sid for Halloween in 2017.


In Toy Story, Sheriff Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks) is Andy’s favorite toy — until the arrival of Buzz Lightyear. After several unsuccessful attempts to take him out, Woody eventually swallows his pride and partners up with Buzz to show Sid, the toy destroying neighbor, a lesson.


In the Toy Story series, Jessie is a pull-string cowgirl based on a Woody’s Roundup character. Sure, she becomes overly excited and attached when she meets Woody. But wouldn’t you be if you met your perfect match?

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