Monica Rambeau in WandaVision

Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) is a character in the hit Marvel Disney+ series, WandaVision. We first met Monica as a child in Captain Marvel as the daughter of former pilot Maria Rambeau and goddaughter of Carol Danvers. As an adult, she joined S.W.O.R.D., an extra-governmental intelligence agency founded by her mother. In WandaVision, we discover Monica was one of many who disappeared in the snap. She reappears in the hospital, as she accompanied Maria to her cancer treatments, but sadly discovers she died during her absence. Returning to work at S.W.O.R.D, Agents Heyward and Jimmy Woo call upon Monica to investigate the missing town of Westview, New Jersey. When Monica gets too close to the radioactive forcefield surrounding the town, she gets pulled into the sitcom, where she stars as Geraldine. This is her outfit from the third episode set in the 1970s. She helps Wanda deliver her twins, but when she mentions Ultron, she blows her cover. Wanda takes a closer look at her necklace, and recognizing the pendant with S.W.O.R.D’s insignia, she uses her powers to expel Geraldine from the town. Now Monica again, she uses her experience to help Jimmy and Darcy find out more about the hex.

Jimmy Woo in WandaVision

James “Jimmy” Woo (Randall Park) is a character in the hit Marvel Disney+ series, WandaVision. He is an intrepid FBI agent who first starred in the Ant-Man and the Wasp, tasked with monitoring Scott Lang’s house arrest. He actually appeared in the comics before his screen debut in Yellow Claw #1 by Atlas Comics, the predecessor to Marvel. His latest case is the missing town of Westview, New Jersey, which he is currently investigating with Monica Rambeau and Dr. Darcy Lewis, as well as the rest of S.W.O.R.D. Rumor has it that Disney+ is eyeing Agent Woo for a series of his own.

adult marco diaz from svfoe

Adult Marco Diaz from Star vs. the Forces of Evil

Marco Diaz (voiced by Adam McArthur) is a main character on the Disney Channel TV show Star vs. the Forces of Evil. As Star Butterfly’s best friend on Earth, Marco plays an important role in the series.  In the episode “Running with Scissors,” Marco appears as a 30-year-old version of himself in another dimension, rather than his usual 14-year-old appearance.  As an adult, Marco is very muscular and sports a few ear piercings as well as a tattoo of intergalactic scissors on his left bicep.  He still wears his trusty read sweatshirt, although it is now tattered and resembles more of a cape.  To make yourself look like Adult Marco, you’ll want to be liberal with the tattering and tearing of your cape and pants, as well as willing to bear a bit of skin since he wears his motorcycle jacket open with the sleeves rolled up.  If you’re not particularly attached the jacket, cutting the sleeves will make it much easier to achieve Marco’s look from the cartoon.


Dr. Darcy Lewis in WandaVision

“What? I’m invested.” Dr. Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) is a character in the hit Marvel Disney+ series, WandaVision. She first appeared in Thor as a political science major. Upon landing an astrophysics internship with Jane Foster, she meets Thor and helps him back to Asgard. Darcy also appeared in Thor: Dark World, continuing to work with Jane to investigate portals in London. Now after completing her doctorate, Darcy finally returns. Given her headway in astrophysics, an organization called S.W.O.R.D. calls upon Darcy to investigate the missing town of Westview, NJ. She’s the one who discovers broadcast waves intertwined with the radiation, confirming the ongoing sitcom.  Agent Monica Rambeau and FBI Agent Jimmy Woo become her allies to figure out more about what is happening in Westview, and how they can save the citizens from Wanda’s hex.


Ochaco Uraraka

Ochaco Uraraka is a student in class 1-A at U.A. High School. Her Quirk is called Zero Gravity. When she touches the pads of her fingertips together, she can cause people and things to float. Known as Uravity, she is training to become a pro hero. Fellow students describe her as the “most laid back girl” in class. Ochaco is very bubbly, yet also unintentionally blunt. Empathetic and kind, she can easily read and understand others. Ochaco has a fierce side as well, best illustrated in her strategy in competitions. She has a crush on fellow student Izuku Midoriya.

Jenny from Disjointed

Jenny from Disjointed

Jenny (played by Elizabeth Ho) is one of the main characters on Disjointed. She is a former medical student who struggles with aligning her appreciation for marijuana with her cultural heritage. She’s also one of the most responsible employees at Ruth’s Alternative Caring and keeps the rest of them grounded (even when she’s the one making the jokes!).

Jenny’s one signature item is her beany. She is almost never seen without one. Add in a ribbed striped top and skinny jeans with sneakers to complete her look. Of course she also always has her journal close at hand!

Hank Schrader from Breaking Bad

Hank Schrader from Breaking Bad

In Breaking Bad, Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) is a dedicate and loyal man. He does what he thinks is right for his friends, his family, his community, and his country. Whether it’s his role in the DEA, his commitment to the people that work under him or his connection to Walt, he always tries to do the right thing. It doesn’t prevent him from meeting a tragic end, unfortunately. But it does make him the kind of man that cosplayers are eager to recreate.

His costume, luckily is fairly straightforward. Sensible black work shoes, grey slacks held up with a black leather belt that holds a belt holster and a pistol. Orange button up, brown sports coat, and a detective’s badge around his neck. A bald cap finishes off the signature Hank Schrader look.

superboy from titans

Superboy from Titans

On the TV show Titans, Conner (played by Joshua Orpin) is a Kryptonian/human hybrid who is also known as Subject 13 and Superboy.  Superboy’s powers include solar energy absorption, much like Superman, which allows him to heal himself, as well as exhibit superhuman speed, stamina, hearing, and strength.  Superboy’s costume is very simple to recreate, and includes a black t-shirt with the red Superman insignia, blue cargo pants, and black tactical boots.

Donald Duck

Donald Duck is a classic Disney character. He is Mickey Mouse’s best friend. In contrast to Mickey’s level-headedness, Donald has an explosive temper. His mischievous and overconfident personality can land him into trouble. As soon as something goes wrong, he’s quacking up a storm, face and beak bright red. A common catchphrase of his is “Aw, phooey!” His girlfriend, Daisy Duck, often scolds him for his temper tantrums. He is also an uncle, and his nephews include Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Fun fact: His middle name is Fauntelroy! Like the other classic characters, Donald appears in The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Mickey Mouse Cartoons, as well as the parks and merchandising.


Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, is the title character of the live action CW show Batwoman. Three years have passed since the disappearance of Batman, and his cousin Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) must take the mantle to be Gotham’s next vigilante. Under the alter-ego of Batwoman, she protects the city from criminals. In the second season, an airplane crashes with Kate as a passenger. Although her body missing, her Batsuit is found by Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie), a former convict. Ryan becomes the newest Batwoman, aiming to finish what Kate started. We included two wig options, one for Kate Kane and one for Ryan Wilder, depending on which Batwoman you want to cosplay. If you’re able to splurge, ProCosplay offers the entire set. The Rubie’s option doesn’t include shoes, but a pair of black shoes or boots will do.

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