Agent Valentina Fontaine

Agent Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, also known as Contessa Fontaine, is an antagonist in the MCU. She is the Director of the CIA who seems to be assembling her own team, currently consisting of John Walker – formerly the new Captain America, now US Agent – and Yelena Belova. Her ex-husband is Everett Ross. When he opposed the US obtaining vibranium from Wakanda, she had him arrested for committing treason. Portrayed by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, she appears in smaller roles for Black Widow, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. She will make a full debut in Thunderbolts.  A black trenchcoat and leather gloves give her sleek style a classic villainous edge.

Adrian Veidt

Adrian Veidt is a character in HBO’s Watchmen portrayed by Jeremy Irons. He used to fight crime under the name Ozymandias, but he retired from heroics to become a businessman. However, his master intelligence and business skills led him down a villainous path. Deciding to “save” humanity from nuclear annihilation, he plotted a fatal alien invasion. Adrian and Dr. Manhattan made a deal that he would erase his memories in exchange for a utopia under the care of the clones of Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks. For the costume, drape the purple fabric over the bodysuit and secure it with the gold belt.

Saki Hanajima (Hana) from Fruits Basket

Saki (voiced in Japanese by Satomi Satō and in English by Jād Saxton) is one of the secondary characters in the anime/manga Fruits Basket.

She has psychic abilities that caused her to be isolated from the rest of her classmates out of fear, until she met Tohru and Uo, who ended up becoming her best friends, despite her trying to push them away for their own sake.

Saki has long black hair that she generally wears in braids, if not just loose, and has greyish purple eyes. When not wearing all black, she wears the blue and white school uniform that her friends do, with black knee high socks, black shoes, and a black jacket worn over top of the sailor top.

Violence Fiend from Chainsaw Man

Violence Fiend is a character in the best selling manga and hit anime, Chainsaw Man. Illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the series was serialized in Shonen Jump for two years with new chapters bi-weekly. Chainsaw Man takes place in a world where devils are born from fears. A fiend is a devil inhabiting a human body. Violence Fiend embodies the fear of violence, but surprisingly, he advocates for love and peace, with an easygoing personality. He becomes close with Kobeni.

Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket

Kyo (voiced in Japanese by Yuma Uchida and in English by Jerry Jewell) is one of the primary main characters in the anime/manga Fruits Basket.

He is the cat out of the Sohma’s cursed zodiac line, and lives with Yuki, Shigure, and Tohru. He tends to be argumentative and prone to fighting, but is kinder once he warms up to Tohru. In addition to being the cat, he also has a larger cursed ‘true form’ that he hides from everyone.

Kyo has short, semi-spiky orange hair, and orangey-brown eyes. Like the rest of the characters, he has a large variety of outfits, but for this, I went with his school uniform. It consists of a dark blue shirt with matching slacks, and he wears a yellow shirt underneath. The personal touches he includes are a pair of orange high-tops, and a white/red bracelet that he uses to contain his true form.

gloria sato from big city greens

Gloria Sato from Big City Greens

Gloria Sato (voiced by Anna Akana) works at a cafe next to the Green Family’s house in the Disney Channel series Big City Greens.  Eventually, she and Cricket become co-workers and Gloria opens her own cafe.  Gloria has pale purple skin and blue hair.  During her time as a barista at Big Coffee, she is often shown wearing her work uniform which consists of a brown hat and apron over her usual clothes; purple pants and a pink t-shirt.  You can iron a coffee cup patch onto your apron to get a closer match to her apron from the show.  Once she opens Gloria + Green, her uniform changes to a green apron, which she wears folded so it doesn’t cover her orange shirt.  She pairs the look with brown pants.  While purple body paint isn’t necessary to pull off Gloria’s look, you can certainly add it if you feel like going the extra mile.

Ainosuke Shindo (Adam) from Sk8 the Infinity

Adam (voiced in Japanese by Takehito Koyasu and in English by David Wald) is one of the main characters and technically the main antagonist in the Sk8 the Infinity anime.

He is one of the three founders of “S”, along with Kaoru and Kojiro, when they were teenagers. He uses “S” as an escape from the political future that his aunts are trying to push him into, with Tadashi (his friend from childhood that taught him how to skate originally) as the only one in his household’s circle that knows his secret.

Despite having a heavily professional look while in the presence of his aunts, while at “S” he becomes a completely different persona, becoming ‘Adam’ over ‘Ainosuke’. His usually carefully brushed blue hair becomes spiked and wild, and his red eyes are hidden behind an ornate mask, obscuring his identity. He has a couple rather elaborate outfits while skating, though this is his main one. It’s styled off of a matador look, bright red with large amounts of detailing, with the whole thing being very skin tight. His elbow, shoulder, and knee guards are pointed, and he wears tall black boots with red soles and a matching red heart adorning the top.

Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man

Angel Devil is a character in the best selling manga and hit anime, Chainsaw Man. Illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the series was serialized in Shonen Jump for two years with new chapters bi-weekly. Chainsaw Man takes place in a world where devils are born from fears. Angel Devil may represent a fear of religion. He is kind towards humans, but touching him removes years from your life. Although he and Aki grows close, Makima ensures their demises.

Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket

Yuki (voiced in Japanese by Nobunaga Shimazaki and in English by Eric Vale) is one of the primary main characters in the anime/manga Fruits Basket.

Out of the cursed zodiacs of the Sohma family, Yuki holds the power of the Rat. He lives with Kyo and Shigure at the start, as well as Tohru when she ends up moving in. Yuki starts off the series being very distant and has a lot of self-esteem issues, despite being regarded as a popular, princely icon at his school, but grows to be more open around the people he cares about.

He has short, silvery hair worn with two long side bangs, and grey eyes. Like Kyo, he’s often seen wearing their school’s uniform, consisting of a set of dark blue slacks and a matching shirt, a light grey tie, and dark brown loafers.

Kyutaro Kugi from Buddy Daddies

Kyutaro (voiced in Japanese by Toshiyuki Morikawa and in English by Austin Tindle) is one of the secondary main characters in the anime Buddy Daddies.

He owns and operates a pub as a cover for being the go-between for assassins and their hits, and is the one that provides Kazuki and Rei with their jobs.

Kyutaro has a fairly unassuming appearance, with brown eyes and light mousey brown hair (the wig may need a bit of down-styling), and wears brown rectangle framed glasses. His usual outfit we see him in is his work outfit, consisting of a black button up shirt with rolled sleeves, khaki slacks, a brown kitchen apron, and greyish brown oxfords.

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