Wes Anderson on the Set of Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson on the Set of Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson is the director of the 2012 film Moonrise Kingdom. Moonrise Kingdom is about 12 year olds Sam and Suzy on the island of New Penzance. We follow them as they decide to run away together and the adults of the film try to find them. This quirky film has very distinct costumes, just like all of his films. They’re very unique, detailed, and almost doll-like. On this film set, Wes wore his iconic brown corduroy two-piece suit. He pairs this with a colorful plaid shirt, sweater, and green plaid scarf. He dresses like he fits right into the environments that he so meticulously creates.

Wes Anderson on the Set of Moonrise Kingdom Costume 12345

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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