Yuuki Mishima from Persona 5/Royal DIY Costume Guide
Mishima (voiced in Japanese by Daisuke Sakaguchi and in English by Sean Chiplock) is a secondary main character in the Persona 5 set of media.
He was originally on the volleyball team at Shujin Academy, until being heavily abused by the coach, Kamoshida, which in turn lead him to want to thank the Phantom Thieves for freeing him from that torment. He created the Phansite in order for other people suffering to put in their requests to the Thieves and get help from them. His Confidant Arcana card is the Moon.
Mishima has short, spiky, dark blue-black hair, and (depending on the iteration) dark-tinted golden brown eyes. We usually see him wearing the Shujin Academy uniform, with a white turtleneck shirt with sleeves rolled up past his elbows, and two black chevrons on the collar. He wears the standard uniform pants, and has loose black suspenders at his hips, and it's finished off with white gym shoes with a chunk of green as decoration on the side.
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