Hotline Miami Biker DIY Costume Guide
In Hotline Miami, Biker must battle Jacket, who like him has been receiving mysterious phone calls commanding him to perform brutal assassinations. Biker's weapons of choice for these tasks are a meat cleaver and throwing stars.
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Isn’t he wearing a white t-shirt as well?
Yup, a plain white t-shirt with rolled sleeves and blue jeans work. Also added a wallet chain to the post.
Yap and i still use a old trick of using a cigar box in my t-shirt as u can see in my left shoulder
I might suggest this vest (a “frequently bought together” item linked from the amazon page of the one you listed) since it doesn’t come with a hood:
Also, if you’re not concerned about budget and care about things like the color of certain items, these biker gloves come in a nice neon blue/turquoise like the source shows:
Ohhh nevermind on the vest. That’s the same item in a different color. Failed to notice that.
BTW he has a pack of cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve that would explain the square bulge in his shirt.
vest not in pink anymore :(