Posts by Tom
Sam from Until Dawn
In Until Dawn, Samantha Giddings (Hayden Panettiere) is a playable character, and probably the most level-headed of the group. She’s genuinely caring and has a disdain for violence, but is able brave and strong-willed.
Batman (2016)
In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the iteration of Batman (Ben Affleck), aka Batfleck, is an older, more war weary superhero. When he must face off against the powerful Superman, he spends his millions to upgrade his batsuit to an armored version with kryptonite tipped weapons.
Zhora from Blade Runner
In Blade Runner, Zhora Salome (Joanna Cassidy) is a replicant much like Pris. She works as an exotic dancer, performing with an artificial snake and matching snake tattoo on her neck, but has to make a run for it when Rick Deckard trackers her down.
Cuphead is the protagonist of a run-and-gun video game that’s heavily inspired by cartoons from the 1930s. Cuphead and his brother Mugman, who look like a hybrid between Mickey Mouse and drinkware, must collect on debts to repay the devil. Use the straw as a hair accessory, or better yet make your own, and a mask while you’re at it.
Vigilante Suit Spider-Man
In the video game The Amazing Spider-Man, you can unlock the Vigilante Suit, which shows how Peter Parker dressed before he was truly Spider-Man. It’s even more amateur than the homemade suit he makes in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Georgie Denbrough
In Stephen King’s It, Georgie Denbrough (Jackson Robert Scott) is the younger brother of Bill Denbrough. He is playing with a paper boat one rainy evening when it winds up sailing into a sewer drain. Thankfully Pennywise the Dancing Clown is there to help him retrieve it.
In Guardians of the Galaxy, Yondu Udonta (Michael Rooker) is a blue-skinned bandit and leader of the Ravagers, who raised Peter Quill from when he was a boy. In GOTG2, he upgrades his “ridge” to a full-blown mohawk, more in keeping with the comic version of his character. Spray-paint an arrow gold to create his whistle-controlled Yaka Arrow.
10 Awesome Couples Costumes for Halloween 2017
10. Rick and Morty It still doesn’t look like Rick (see costume) and Morty’s (see costume) adventures are gonna slow […]
11 Group Costumes for Halloween 2017
Defenders Netflix has been scoring hit after hit with their darker take on the Marvel Universe (let’s ignore Iron Fist […]
Captain Spaulding
Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig) is one of the main characters of Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects. He’s a vulgar clown who mans a gas station, where he tricks a group of young adults to run into his murderous Firefly family.