
V for Vendetta

In V for Vendetta, an activist going by the name V starts a violent campaign to bring down a totalitarian government and free the people to rule for themselves. The mask he wears of the real-life Guy Fawkes has been adopted, in turn, by the real-life Anonymous and the Occupy movements.

Captain Haddock

In The Adventures of Tintin, Captain Archibald Haddock is captain of the merchant vessel Karaboudjan. And like so many sea captains, he has a fondness, you might say, for the bottle and the pipe.

Regan from The Exorcist

In The Exorcist, Regan (Linda Blair) is a young girl possessed by the demon Pazuzu and requires an exorcism to free her. Although you may be able to recreate Regan’s demonic look, it isn’t quite the same without the head spinning and projectile vomiting. Rumor has it that in the movie, split pea soup was used for the green-colored vomit.

Harry Potter in The Prisoner of Azkaban

At the end of his third year at Hogwarts, Harry learns the truth behind his parents’ deaths and who he can and can not trust while trying to save the beloved hippogriff, Buckbeak. While on this adventure, Harry is out of uniform and in a simple sweatshirt and tee that get a bit roughed up from all of the escaped-prisoner-chasing, dementor-fighting, and time-traveling.

Hermione Granger in The Prisoner of Azkaban

Hermione, who is typically the brains of the group, gets her hands dirty by sticking it to the Ministry of Magic and releasing the sentenced Buckbeak. Her youthful pink attire contrasts with her strong and tough spirit, especially in the popular scene where she punches Draco Malfoy in the face.

Ron Weasley in The Prisoner of Azkaban

Though Ron misses out on a chunk of the adventure due to an injury from the Whomping Willow and a mysterious dog, we do not miss out on seeing his maroon and orange getup that is impeccably ‘Weasley’.

Pennywise from It

Anyone who’s afraid of clowns is probably afraid of them because of Stephen King’s It. It is able to shape-shift and exploits the fears of its victims. It primarily takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown in order to attract its preferred prey, young children.

Queen of Hearts

When she’s not chopping off heads or playing flamingo croquet, you’ll find the Queen of Hearts chasing after Alice. This bad tempered, tyrant might benefit from spending some time with her subjects – perhaps a spot of tea at a tea party?

The Rocketeer

In 1930s Los Angeles, stunt pilot Cliff Secord (Billy Campbell) stumbles upon a rocket pack designed by Howard Hughes. He uses it during a show and becomes a media sensation as The Rocketeer. The fame doesn’t help though when the mob is willing to kill to get the rocket pack back for a Nazi secret agent.

Jenny Blake from The Rocketeer

In The Rocketeer, Jenny Blake is an aspiring actress whose relationship hits the rocks when her boyfriend Cliff’s visit to the movie set leads to her getting fired. The movie director makes up with Jenny and attempts to seduce her — but not to date Jennifer Connelly. No, to get his hands on a jet pack.

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