Maggie Simpson
Maggie Simpson is the baby of the family. She hasn’t learned to talk yet, which might be due to all the times she’s tripped on her onesie and fallen on her face. It might also explain her violent streak, which includes threatening her rival Gerald and shooting Mr. Burns.
Princess Peach
Always the damsel-in-distress, Princess Peach has a pretty standard style as far as royalty is concerned. Extremely feminine and sweet, her look is also easy to recreate. All you need is a pink prom dress and long white gloves. Top the look off with a tiara and you are sure to attract your own Italian plumber in no time.
The Man in the Yellow Hat
Curious George’s human companion, the Man in the Yellow Hat, takes his name from his attire. Little is known about this mystery guy other than his propensity to dress in yellow. Although if you’re going to hang out with a monkey it makes sense that you would want to dress like a giant banana.
Tina Belcher
Tina Belcher (voiced by Dan Mintz), the eldest daughter on Bob’s Burgers, takes teenage angst to a new level. Her functional retro style takes her from mornings pining over Jimmy Jr. to evenings flipping burgers. With the time left over, she can practice Capoeira… or at least make sure her siblings stay out of trouble.
Captain Haddock
In The Adventures of Tintin, Captain Archibald Haddock is captain of the merchant vessel Karaboudjan. And like so many sea captains, he has a fondness, you might say, for the bottle and the pipe.
Nanny from Muppet Babies
We never see Nanny’s face in the Muppet Babies series, but her characteristic green and white striped stockings and purple sneakers always stood out. Though we assume she’s human, it’s also quite possible she could be a Muppet as well.
Consuela is the head of the Maids’ Union and is the world’s most stubborn maid, who often makes her point by repeating “no, no, no”. She’s employed by the Griffin Family as well as by Superman, Darth Vader, and James Woods. In her off time she helped Mexico beat Canada in curling.
Ursula from The Little Mermaid
Ursula is a sea witch who helps poor unfortunate souls in The Little Mermaid by using her dark magic. Her deals come at a steep price and if you’re unable to pay her back you risk being turned into a polyp. Ursula knows the importance of body language and maintains her looks with seashell make-up and accessories.
In Beauty and the Beast, when she’s not sticking her nose in a book, you’ll find sweet Belle day dreaming about far away places. Before becoming a full-fledged princess, Belle stayed locked away in a castle chipping away at the Beast’s cold heart. If you’re lucky, you may find her dancing and singing with the cutlery and tableware.