Dio/Robin from Mad Father DIY Costume Guide
Robin/Dio is one of the major characters in the 2012 RPGMaker pixel horror game Mad Father.
For the majority of the early part of the fandom, he was referred to as Dio by the fans, and was also called as such on the Steam announcement page, but is called Robin in-game, so it's a bit up for debate. He protects Aya throughout intense points of the game, and tries to get her to leave with him, to keep her safe.
Dio/Robin has short, fluffy golden-blonde hair, and brown eyes, though depending on the point of the story, one of them is heavily damaged/missing, and he covers it up with a wrap bandage. He wears an off-white/cream button up shirt with the sleeves partially rolled, cuffed brown pants, dark suspenders, and light brown shoes.
Buy Items For DIY Costume
- Van Heusen Men's Dress Shirt Stone
- Uniqso Sweety Candy Brown Cosplay Contacts
- Brown Y-Shape Suspenders
- Bobisuka Gore SFX Kit
- Rockport Men's Classic Penny Loafer Dark Brown
- JoneTing Short Wavy Blonde Cosplay Wig
- White Costume Bandage Wraps
- Faux Studio SFX Eye Wound Costume Prosthetic
- Dockers Men's Straight Fit Signature Khaki Pants Timberwolf
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