Douglas Quaid from Total Recall DIY Costume Guide

Douglas Quaid from Total Recall

In Total Recall, Douglas Quaid (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a construction engineer on Earth in the year 2084. Quaid is having recurring dreams about Mars and a strange woman who lives there. He has never visited the planet but has always wanted to. Quaid decides to get to the "Rekall" center to have an implanted memory of Mars so he would not physically have to go. Before the Martian memories could be implanted Quaid violently reacts and has an episode so extreme "Rekall" agents sedate him, erase his memory of visiting and toss him in a taxi. We discover Quaid's memories have been erased before and now he is under attack with clues from his former self known as "Hauser" telling him how to get back to Mars. Quaid's quest is to get to Mars and to find the strange woman Melina. Quaid's blue-collar working man's clothes serve functionality. For a more complete look, you can tear some of the fabric and add fake blood on your face/body and clothes.

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