Gabby Gabby from Toy Story 4 DIY Costume Guide
Gabby Gabby, voiced by Christina Hendricks, is a new character in Toy Story 4. She lives in Second Chance Antiques with three ventriloquist dolls as her personal bodyguards. Made in the 1950s, Gabby Gabby is a defective doll, as her voicebox is broken. Her scheme to then steal Woody's voicebox makes her the antagonist of the film. Her goal is to win the affections of a kid named Harmony, but even with her new voice, Harmony rejects her. Now showing sympathy, Woody plans to bring Gabby Gabby to Bonnie. Upon spotting a lost girl crying at the carnival, Gabby Gabby goes to her instead, doing the most noble thing a toy can do. Style the wig into two pig tails, and secure with hairspray and elastics, then fasten on the bow clips. Use the brow pencil to draw on fake freckles.
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