
Delsin Rowe

In inFAMOUS: Second Son, Delsin Rowe is a twenty-something street artist until he saves a bio-terrorist prisoner from a car crash and accidentally absorbs his powers. As a Conduit like Cole MacGrath, now he’s not just armed with a chain but with smoke powers too.

Hotline Miami Biker

In Hotline Miami, Biker must battle Jacket, who like him has been receiving mysterious phone calls commanding him to perform brutal assassinations. Biker’s weapons of choice for these tasks are a meat cleaver and throwing stars.

Hotline Miami Jacket

In the retro 2D video game Hotline Miami, the unnamed protagonist (nicknamed Jacket) receives cryptic instructions to kill foes in an ultraviolent manner. He wears a variety of animal masks when completing these tasks, each of which gives him special abilities. To finish the costume, apply fake blood liberally.

Zero Suit Samus

In Metroid, Samus Aran is an intergalactic bounty hunter out to get the Space Pirates and their leader Ripley. You were probably shocked the first time Samus removed her helmet to reveal that she’s a woman, but there’s no mistaking it when she’s wearing her Zero Suit.

TF2 Engineer

In Team Fortress 2, the Engineer is a friendly Texan with a knack for building things. He spends his time on the upkeep of his sentry gun, dispenser, and teleporters, and won’t hesitate to give the enemy Spy a good thwack with his wrench.

Fruit Ninja Sensei

The Fruit Ninja sensei will train you on how to slice fruits in half while they’re in mid-air. All the while, he’ll dispense such sage trivia as “The average strawberry has around 200 seeds” and “Watermelons are 92% water”.

Zoey from Left 4 Dead

In Left 4 Dead, Zoey is a film major who likes skipping classes to watch horror movies. Little does she know she’s about to live through one when everyone around her becomes infected with the Green Flu.

Little Mac

In the Nintendo series Punch-Out!!, Little Mac is a scrappy underdog boxer who’s trained with Doc Louis. He’s worked his way up from the bottom to face Mike Tyson, Mr. Dream, and even make an appearance in the next Super Smash Bros.

Shy Guy

Shy Guys are masked enemies in Super Mario Bros. that cause trouble just by being in the way. They like to change up their appearance by wearing different colored robes.

Aiden Pearce

In the video game Watch Dogs, Aiden Pearce hacks computer systems in order to bring justice to those responsible for his niece’s death. Don’t let the baseball cap fool you — Aiden is a gray hat hacker all the way.

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