Kimi Watanabe-Finster from Rugrats DIY Costume Guide

Kimi Watanabe-Finster from Rugrats

Kimi Watanabe-Finster (voiced by Dionne Quan) is the step-sister of Chuckie Finster from the Nickelodeon show Rugrats.  Originally introduced in the movie Rugrats in Paris, Kimi quickly becomes a member of the crew and joins in on their adventures.  Kimi is very brave, often encouraging her step-brother to take bigger risks and step out of his comfort zone.  Kimi wears a pink shirt, purple cowboy boots, and a yellow bib dress with a purple cat on it.  If you want to add a cat to your own dress, you can use a purple sticker or decal, or if you want to get really crafty, you could always paint one on by hand.

Kimi Watanabe-Finster from Rugrats Costume 123456

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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