Morana from Castlevania DIY Costume Guide

Morana from Castlevania

Morana voiced by Yasmine Al Massri in the Netflix animated series Castlevania is one of the show's antagonists. She is a member of The Council of Sisters and serves as both the strategist and economist. Morana has been the face ruling Styria while Carmilla has been away. Morana and Striga work in unison to keep the kingdom running. The two have been romantic partners for a very long time and rely on each other for thoughtful decision making when it comes to the kingdom. Morana's color schemes include royal blue, white, gold, and wine red. For this outfit, I suggest closing the Royal Blue Long Sleeve Bolero Cardigan with the Gold Stone and Chain Brooch. If you'd like you can look up tutorials to do a full eyelid winged liner look with the blue eyeliner. Another important tip is that you can use your everyday liquid foundation on the Long Elf Ears. Dab it on with a beauty blender so it will match your skin tone. This ornate costume will surely have you standing out from the crowd at any cosplay event.

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