Pablo Escobar DIY Costume Guide
The Netflix original series Narcos tells the tale of Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura), the notorious Colombian drug kingpin who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine. Though he looks like a harmless middle-aged man, he was directly and indirectly responsible for hundreds of killings.
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Love it! Just found my costume this year for Halloween. Gotta give you credit for that.
Me and my friends at univeristy are doing a secret santa and I’m looking into getting my friend a narcos costume as he loves the show, however he is blonde so I need a wig with the outfit. If you have any reccomendations for what I could get to complete the look that would be appriciated, thankyou.(I have looked forever to try and find an affordable wig but non came up)
Here’s a good wig for $20. What do you think?