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…Keemstar is Daniel Keem, a video blogger and the host of the YouTube channel DramaAlert. Let’s get right into the news!…

Professor Farnsworth

…In Futurama, Hubert J. Farnsworth, also known as The Professor, (voiced by Billy West) is the eccentric proprietor of the Planet Express delivery service. He is pushing the limits of even the 31st century at an agе of well over 160. He is also related to Phillip J. Fry. His signature catchphrase is “Good news everyone!” If you want accurate glasses that match the show’s style, here is a simple way to 3D Print them yourself….

Karen Page from Daredevil

…ll dress up as the occasion calls for. And of course she is never without paper, pen, and her phone so she can keep track of the news and clues that come her way….

Wendy from Animal Crossing

…eams of pop stardom, and – of course – her friends. She loves sharing good news with other people on the island and spends most of her time socializing with her neighbors. Her personality is as playful as her style and it shows! Setting up a Wendy costume requires a little bit of DIY. You’ll have to paint the horns in stripes of marigold yellow spaced out with pale yellow. Then you’ll want to wrap the headband in blue ribbon so it blends in better…

Antoine Dodson

…Antoine Dodson rose to fame when his appearance on a local news piece was auto-tuned into the internet sensation, “Bed Intruder Song.” His bandana and tank top get-up is simple enough, but it’s his flamboyant mannerism that really counts….

Tai Kamiya from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

…In Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, Tai Kamiya and his friends have reached adulthood when they learn the news that the partnership with their Digimon is ending and they’ll forever be separated. Tai is wearing a light blue short-sleeved button-up shirt, white t-shirt, black trousers, blue shoes and his old goggles…

Ron Burgundy

…Ron Burgundy is the popular and award-winning anchor for the KVWN-TV Channel 4 Evening News team. Always confident and well-dressed, he believes “diversity” to be some type of “old, old wooden ship used in the Civil War era.”…

John Herbert from Family Guy

…John Herbert is an elderly neighbor of the Griffin family who spends his time waiting for the paperboy to bring him some good news. Hopefully the paperboy is Chris Griffin – MMMMMMmmmmmm….

James Moriarty

…talents for criminal purposes, establishing a wide underworld network. He enjoys setting elaborate traps that can take years to complete, toying with people and generally being cruel and ruthless. He dresses with the same care and attention to detail as he does when planning a heist or manipulating Sherlock….

Clara Oswald

…a Coleman) acts as the companion to the 11th and 12th Doctors on the smash BBC TV series Doctor Who. She is a beautiful, mysterious character with multiple incarnations, including a Dalek. After she joins up with the 12th Doctor she decides to become a school teacher and proceeds to fall in love. Unfortunately, she begins to become increasingly reckless, which leads to unexpected outcomes. This guide covers her fan-favorite red outfit with high to…