Search Results for harry%20potter

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Inspirational Female Characters in Pop Culture to Cosplay

…at knowledge is indeed power! Had it not been for Hermione’s intelligence, Harry and Ron would’ve been gonors. But no one should dare call her meek, as her outspoken and headstrong attitude put even Draco Malfoy in his place. Her bravery and smarts produce a winning combination for a strong female character that continues to inspire girls today. Emma Watson portrays this character in the movie adaptations. Ellen Ripley The director of Alien made a…

Cosplay at Retro Con 2022

…Heat Wave from Legends of Tomorrow join forces with Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series. This Jame “Buffalo Bill” Gumb cosplay got all the details right from Silence of the Lambs, down to “the dance”. A classic take on Huntress from the Batman universe. Robotman from Doom Patrol had a trick up their sleeve when it came to their cosplay performance. Lone Starr (Geneva) and Barf (Kurt Kleefeld) from Spaceballs are as inseparable as ever here…