Shion from No.6 DIY Costume Guide

Shion from No.6

Shion is one of two main characters in the manga, anime, and light novel series, No.6, and is voiced in Japanese by Yūki Kaji, and in English by Greg Ayres.

He grew up living in the idyllic society of No.6 as a genius level student until he was 12, when he helped a boy his age named Nezumi, who was a fugitive, to escape, which lead to him and his mother having to move to a lesser part of the city.

A few years later, Shion was arrested for suspected crimes against the city and was in the process of being taken to a correctional facility, until Nezumi shows up once more and rescues him, leading him out of the city entirely.

Shion has short, fluffy white hair, red eyes, and a pink scar wrapping around his body, while his primary outfit is a white button up shirt, a light blue cardigan, brown pants, and blackish brown loafers.

Shion from No.6 Costume 1234567

About the Author


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie! I'm a 30 year old Washington-based nonbinary cosplayer that's been in the scene for the past 17-ish years! My passions are cosplaying, drawing, and playing video games, with the occasional writing dabbling (outside of articles) on the side~

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