Tai Kamiya
Taichi “Tai” Kamiya is the main protagonist in the anime Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure tri. He is a DigiDestined, partnered with Agumon, and the bearer of the Crest of Courage. He is the older brother of Kari Kamiya. His appearance is based on Taichi Yagami, the human protagonist of the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 manga, who in turn was based on Kentarou Kamon from the C’mon Digimon: The capering monster BUN one-shot. The goggles he wears are a characteristic that would eventually become shared among the leaders of the various DigiDestined in Digimon.
Shou Tucker
In Fullmetal Alchemist, Shou Tucker is the Sewing-Life Alchemist. Edward Elric and Colonel Roy Mustang pay a visit to his estate, where they meet him and his young daughter Nina. The clothes and shoes are self-explanatory, but if you haven’t figured it out, we’ll leave the dog and wig to your imagination.
A favorite henchman among James Bond fans, Jaws (Richard Kiel) is a brute of a man, tall and strong, with signature metal teeth that can cut through steel. He appears in two films: The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker, working for different villains in each one. In The Spy who Loved Me he never sided with Bond, but in Moonraker he meets a girl named Dolly and decides to join forces with Bond against his employer. While Jaws usually appears in a suit, go for his more distinctive look of shirt and suspenders to really make an impression.
Tai Kamiya from Digimon Adventure 02
In Digimon Adventure 02, Tai Kamiya is Kari’s older brother who was the original leader of the Digidestined. He now attends high school and has given up his goggles to Davis.
In the 2017 adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, Ratchett (Johnny Depp) is a wealthy American criminal who fears for his life upon boarding the train. Because he deals in art forgeries, the costume designer chose clothing that would be elegant and upscale, but mismatched and out of place in Europe at the time.
Ongo Gablogian
In It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Ongo Gablogian is an alias of Frank Reynolds (Danny Devito), a white-haired art collector with undetermined accent who’s more than a little reminiscent of Andy Warhol. He’s not one to shy away from calling out art that he feels is derivative.
Paddington Bear
Paddington Bear (voiced by Ben Whishaw), who first appeared in a children’s book by Michael Bond, is an intelligent and friendly bear. Sent away from the deepest jungles of Peru, he is found at Paddington Station in London and taken in by the Brown family.
Balthazar Bratt
In Despicable Me 3, Balthazar Bratt (voiced by Trey Parker) is a former child star of the ’80s, who after a rough time through puberty, decides to go for world domination… putting him face to face with Gru, Lucy Wilde, and Dru. Despite his change of plans, he hasn’t changed much in the way of fashion, holding onto his big hair, shoulder pads, and parachute pants.
Jacob Nighthorse
Originally a nemesis of sheriff Walt Longmire on the TV series Longmire, Jacob Nighthorse (A Martinez) eventually begins to work with the sheriff to restore order to Absaroka County. Nighthorse is a member of the Cheyenne reservation and the wealthy owner of the Four Arrows Casino along with many other urban projects. Although of dubious character with shady dealings, he often shows a strong ethical streak, particularly when it comes to his people. While at the casino and in his office he always dresses in a fancy suit with colorful shirts and his ever-present goatee.
Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
In Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is an IMF special agent who travels to Dubai to recover a stolen Russian nuclear launch-control device. Using various gadgets, Hunt must make scale his way up to the 199th floor of the Burj Khalifa. If you want to go the extra mile, affix blue LED lights to the gloves to turn them into the special climbing gloves.