dc comics
Superman / Clark Kent
Superman, who was born Kal-El, is sent to Earth just before the destruction of his home planet, Krypton. He gains his powers from the sun and is able to fly faster than a speeding bullet, is more powerful than a locomotive, and is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. If you’d rather not wear your underwear on the outside, then you can always dress up as Superman’s alias, Clark Kent.
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy, who was once known as botanist Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, uses her knowledge of plants to produce toxins and mind-controlling pheromones to help her get away with her crimes. Together with Harley Quinn, they become one of Batman’s most powerful foes.
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess, who possess superhuman powers and superior combat skills. With her Lasso of Truth and indestructible bracelets she fights those who seek to destroy the Amazon.
Batman (Christian Bale, Michael Keaton, or Adam West, depending on your age) is the secret identity assumed by billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, driven by the murder of his parents. For this costume, we recommend you upgrade the mask, gloves, boots, and cape — basically everything except the chest and belt.
Raven is a half-demon, half-human being who joins the Teen Titans. She uses her powers of teleportation, astral projection, and empathic healing to protect Jump City from various villains, which includes her father Trigon. This costume will require a bit of DIY to replicate her cape pin and jeweled sleeves in addition to modifying the necklace into a belt.
10 Lame Costumes from Comic Book Movies
Hollywood loves adapting popular comic books into live action films. Unfortunately, Tinseltown doesn’t always hit the mark when it comes […]
Nurse Joker
Heath Ledger once described his depiction of the
Joker as a “psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy.” Clearly, this Joker isn’t afraid to do what needs to be done, even if it means cross dressing in a nurse’s dress.