
Sam Manson

In Danny Phantom, Sam Manson is one of Danny’s best friends. She’s a less dreary version of a goth, and very outspoken about recycling and not eating anything with a face. Sam likes to wear black and purple goth outfits, but will change things up, even wearing a pink princess gown or orange jumpsuit from time to time.

Gerald Johanssen

Gerald Johanssen is Arnold’s fellow student and best friend in “Hey Arnold!” He is a good kid just like Arnold, however often has less patience than his football-headed companion.

Sid from Hey Arnold!

Sid is one of Arnold’s classmates and best friends with Stinky and Harold. While not necessarily a bad kid, he is a bit of a troublemaker and has extreme paranoid tendencies. His pride and joy are his white winklepicker beatle boots.

Stinky Peterson

In Hey Arnold!, Stinky Peterson is one of Arnold’s classmates and a bit of a social pariah. Despite living in the city, he hails from a “country” family and his accent reflects this. Despite this, Stinky refuses to be a stereotype and is actually quite intelligent, while also maintaining a high level of personal integrity.

Harold Berman

Harold is the resident bully among his classmates in “Hey Arnold!” However, he is frequently shown to have a sensitive side and is even quite insecure. His best friends are Stinky and Sid, and the trio often cause trouble around P.S. 118 and rest of the city.

Ember McLain from Danny Phantom

Ember McLain

In Danny Phantom, Ember McLain is a hard-rocking ghost teen who disrespects any and all authority figures. She views Danny Phantom as her arch enemy and blames him for ruining her vocal cords. She has full control of her trademark blue flaming hair, which she can use as a fire attack or shape however she likes.

Patti Mayonnaise

Patricia “Patti” Mayonnaise is the secret love of Doug Funnie and a recurring character in the Disney/Nickelodeon cartoon Doug. This guide will focus on her Nickelodeon design.

Debbie Thornberry

Deborah “Debbie” Thornberry is the older sister of Eliza Thornberry, and daughter to Nigel and Marianne. Unlike her family, she has little excitement for the natural and wild world. Instead, Debbie wishes to live a normal suburban life, but is forced to travel the wilderness with her parents as they film nature documentaries.

Nigel Thornberry

Nigel Thornberry (Tim Curry) is one of the main characters of the Nickelodeon cartoon The Wild Thornberries. Nigel has devoted his entire life to studying all kinds of wild animals and their habitats. He is also the subject of an infamous meme regarding his funny voice and face.

Arnold Shortman in Hey Arnold!

Arnold is calm and upbeat with an overall optimistic personality. He often goes out of his way to help others and has a gift for advising others. Throughout the series he has a number of one-sided crushes that would give Taylor Swift a run for her money. While it may be a bit of stretch to reshape your head into a football, you can certainly reshape the wig into the right hairstyle.

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