Behind the Grit: A Conversation with Gritty Creator Brian Allen
Mascots have been been a part of sports for decades. The first costumed mascots were introduced in 1964 and they’ve […]
On September 24, 2018, the world was introduce to the Philadelphia Flyers’ new mascot Gritty, and the Internet has never been the same. Gritty has become a viral sensation, thanks in large part to his appearance as a slightly off-kilter, oversized muppet. To really take your Gritty costume to the next level, you will want to exaggerate the size of your body and accessories. Using slippers that look like shoes, and layering your jersey and shorts over an oversized onesie will help give the appearance that you are larger than life, just like the real Gritty. And if you don’t want to shell out for the official mascot’s jersey, a simpler replica or a jersey you already own will also suffice.
Pat Jr. from Silver Linings Playbook
In Silver Linings Playbook, Bradley Cooper plays Patrick “Pat Jr.” Solitano, a man suffering from bipolar disorder. After he’s released from the mental health facility, he moves in with his parents and gets back in the groove by rooting for the Eagles, entering dance competitions, and wearing trash bags.
Charlie in The Nightman Cometh
Poor Charlie, all he has ever wanted in life is the waitress. He loves her so much that he even went as far as writing and directing Nightman Cometh to get her attention. Despite his efforts, his bright yellow suit and snazzy white top hat couldn’t woo her. Oh well, maybe next time.
Mac as Nightman
Mac plays by his own rules and proved such when he cast himself as the leading role in Charlie’s play, Nightman Cometh. The character was a perfect excuse for him to show off his muscles and cat like reflexes. The hissing sounds were just an added bonus.
Dennis Reynolds as Dayman
Of all the characters in Nightman Cometh, Dennis Reynolds was the only one to undergo a transformation. From little boy to Dayman, Dennis channeled his inner Ziggy Stardust and stole the show while wearing an erotic silver unitard.