
Aphrodite from Lore Olympus

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of beauty and love. She is the lover of Ares and mother of Eros (Cupid). In Lore Olympus, her skin and hair are light purple and she often wears fashionable clothing in either white or pastel colors. Her title makes her vain, viewing any offense against her beauty very personally. If anyone dare to say another is more beautiful, then Aphrodite will exact her revenge. This happened with both Persephone and Psyche, in which she employed her son to seek vengeance. When he fell in love with Psyche, Aphrodite turned her into a nymph so she could live on Olympus. However she’s still annoyed by Persephone.

Minthe from Lore Olympus

Minthe is a character in the webcomic Lore Olympus. She is a river nymph and serves as personal secretary to Hades. Because of her insecurities and self consciousness, she is very insecure. This makes her wary of any kindness. For instance, Persephone agrees to respect the boundaries of the relationship between Hades and Minthe. Although Minthe has always been rude towards Persephone, as she’s jealous of Hades’ feelings towards her. Despite wanting to get better, the nymph keeps falling back into her manipulative and vindictive ways. In the comics, she has red skin, long red hair, and pointed ears. For this cosplay, use the face paint to also paint the ears.

John Egbert from Homestuck

John Egbert from Homestuck

John is your typical nerd. Until, of course, he isn’t. He is calm and dedicated to his friends but when pushed too far he will do whatever it takes to protect his people.

John has three looks throughout the comic. The first is an all-white look with a white shirt, shite pants, and white shoes. The shirt has a picture of a creature similar to Slimer from Ghostbusters but is not quite right.

His dream version wears a yellow shirt and yellow pants with a moon decal on the shirt. Blue shoes finish off this outfit. In his god-tier outfit the colors are inverted. A pair of blue pants and a blue shirt with an air curl decal on the shirt make up the majority of his look while yellow shoes finish it off.

In all forms John has black hair that can be mimicked with a wig. And you can either choose to stick with your natural skin ton or use white body paint to get a look like John in the comics.

arthur from mystery skulls

Arthur from Mystery Skulls

Arthur (voiced by Austin Lee Matthews) is a member of the Mystery Skulls team along with Vivi Yukino and their mascot, a kitsune disguised as a dog named Mystery.  Lewis Pepper, a former member of the team, now resides in the Mansion as a ghost, following his death at the hands of Arthur while possessed.  Arthur’s outfit consists of a white shirt with rolled sleeves, an orange vest with three pins, and yellow pants.  His left possessed arm was removed and replaced with a robotic one.  To recreate Arthur’s hair, you can trim up a yellow anime wig, and you can either grow a goatee or draw one on with a brown eyebrow pencil to complete the transformation.

Hayden Park from 100 Days in Europe

Hayden Park from 100 Days in Europe

In the webcomic 100 Days in Europe, arrogant and self-centered Hayden Park is a New York-based celebrity on a trip through Europe to find himself after a traumatic breakup. He barely manages to avoid the paparazzi, but he can’t seem to avoid humble artist and backpacker, Gia Sunoo. Will her humility and appreciation for the little things rub off on him, or will he continue to stay aloof from all things “ugly”?

Gia Sunoo from 100 Days in Europe

Gia Sunoo from 100 Days in Europe

Gia Sunoo is a Korean-American backpacker bent on spending 100 days on a tour of Europe. She sketches in her ample spare time, traveling by train between countries, and collects small rocks as souvenirs from every place she visits. Her idyllic plans get interrupted over and over again by encounters with snobby Hayden Park. In this modern-day Pride and Prejudice, Gia’s humility and humble background both fascinate and confuse the traveling celebrity, and opening Hayden’s eyes to the harsh reality of normal, “ugly” living is a challenge Gia finds herself embracing.

While visiting Italy, Gia attempts to get a haircut not unlike Audrey Hepburn’s in Roman Holiday; what she winds up with instead is a cute, curly bob that can be reigned in with just a bit of styling.

Jade Harley from Homestuck

Jade Harley

In the MS Paint Adventures web comic Homestuck, Jade Harley is one of the main characters and the fourth kid to be introduced. The Witch of Space, her Associated Element is Earth, and her Associated Item is Uranium. This is Jade Harley’s outfit when she ascends to god tier.

Persephone from Lore Olympus

Persephone from Lore Olympus

Persephone is the daughter of Demeter and the wife of Hades. She is sweet unless she is mistreated, and then she puts her foot down. She loves her husband but is often seen as a light to his darker look. She has pink hair and favors long white gowns, flowers in her hair, white sandals, and wraps or shrugs around her shoulders. She has pink skin which can be added or avoided for a cosplay.

Joey Claire from Hiveswap

Joey Claire

In the MS Paint Adventures web comic Hiveswap, Joey Claire lives with her sister Jude at Half-Harley Manor near Hauntswitch. Joey is an intelligent girl who dances, both ballet and tap, and enjoys puzzle solving. The large green star on her shirt may be a reference to the Green Sun from Homestuck. Joey’s strife weapon is a flashlight.

Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama

Mob is the protagonist of the MOB PSYCHO 100 webcomic and anime series. He is an 8th grader with strong psychic abilities. He hides his emotions to keep his powers in check, and he rarely uses them. He works alongside Reigen, professional con artist and self proclaimed psychic expert. Together the two serve as the cheapest but strangely most efficient exorcism team in Japan. When Mob’s percentage reaches 100, he ‘explodes’, resulting in spiky hair and uncontrollable anger. Spiked wig optional for this version of Mob.

Mob Psycho 100 is from the same creator as One-Punch Man which means it can make for a cool duo cosplay.

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