The Grabber from The Black Phone DIY Costume Guide

The Grabber from The Black Phone

The Grabber (played by Ethan Hawke) is the horrifying antagonist of the film The Black Phone, based on the short story of the same name.  The Grabber is a child abductor and serial killer who wears a terrifying white devil mask with a mouth that can change from smiling to frowning.  When he abducts his latest victim, the Grabber dresses as a magician with a black top hat and white face makeup.  To recreate his look, you'll likely need to cut the arms off a red turtleneck sweater, as short-sleeved versions can be difficult to find, and layer it under a black polo shirt left unbuttoned.  If you want to wear a devil mask as part of your costume, you use some white spray paint to alter a more commonly available red one.  Alternately, a lower face mask designed for paintball can get the job done with some white face paint.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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