Vivian from Journal of the Mysterious Creatures

Vivian (voiced by Yuko Natusyoshi) is a vampire in the anime Journal of the Mysterious Creatures.  She attacks Lili Ryu while Lili is touring a house, introducing her human roommate Yoshihito to the realm of otherworldly creatures.  Vivian has a very gothic look, so depending on your personal style, you may be able to use pieces from your own wardrobe to emulate her outfit.  Some red fabric paint can add the bat details to her skirt and top, while layering red and black pieces together will help recreate pieces it might be difficult to find exact replicas of.

Lili Ryu from Journal of the Mysterious Creatures

Lili Ryu (voiced by Aya Susaki) is a werewolf and one of the main character in the anime Journal of the Mysterious Creatures.  Lili is the new roommate of Yoshihito, a 23-year-old man without a girlfriend or job.  As Lili is viewing the house, she is attacked by the vampire Vivian.  Lili’s outfit shows off her affinity for dogs, and can be super fun for a dog lover to put together.  If you cannot find a crop top that suits her outfit, you can always purchase a normal t-shirt and then cut it to the exact length you want.

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