Dwayne Wayne

In A Different World, Dwayne Wayne (Kadeem Hardison) is a Brooklyn native who majors in math at Hillman College. He’s best known for his flip-up shades and making unsuccessful advances on numerous women throughout his freshman year.

Robert E.O. Speedwagon

Robert Edward O. Speedwagon is one of the major allies in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood and Part 2: Battle Tendency. He starts the series as a street urchin but quickly becomes Jonathan Joestar’s closest friend. Eventually he forms the Speedwagon Foundation, which assists the Joestar family even after his death from Part 2 to Part 6. Initially a comic relief character, he grows into arguably the most loyal and important side character in the whole franchise. He even plays a key role in the video game spin off JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven and is playable in it. Because of all this, he is universally beloved in the fandom and he makes for an easy beginner JoJo cosplay. Could go nicely with a Young Jonathan Joestar cosplay

For hats you can choose his default bowler hat (with 3 red feathers on the left side) from the first half of Part 1 or the Zeppeli hat from the second half. To make Zeppeli hat, combine checker fabric with stovepipe hat.
Sledge hammer optional.

Jaune Arc

In RWBY, Jaune Arc is a kind-hearted teenage boy who’s been known to stand up for Ruby. He’s been noted to possess a high level of Aura.

Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki is often ridiculed by the Konohagakure villagers, but he compensates with his cheerful and boisterous personality, vowing to never give up on any goal he sets. Chief among them are his ambitions to become village chief, to gain the villagers’ respect and be able to protect both them and the world.


Gallagher is a stand-up comedian known for his prop comedy. His signature act is the Sledge-O-Matic, a large wooden mallet he uses to smash everyday items, showering the front rows of his audience in the process, most famously with watermelon bits.


In One-Punch Man, Tatsumaki, also known as Tornado of Terror, is a superhero with a brash personality who is fiercely protective of her sister Fubuki. She has emerald green eyes that match her curls.

Billy & Mandy

In The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, the slow-witted Billy and cynical Mandy win a limbo game to save Billy’s pet hamster, and gain the Grim Reaper as their best friend in eternal servitude and slavery.

Yang Xiao Long

In RWBY, Yang Xiao Long is a teenage girl who wears a tan vest with gold piping over a yellow low-cut crop top with a black crest that resembles a burning heart. The vest has puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs. Her long blonde hair becomes lighter in color at the tips and flows in a loose and messy manner, with a few locks sticking out and a small cowlick on top of her head. She has a pale complexion and lilac eyes. Her weapon of choice is a pair of Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets, Ember Celica.

Artie, the Strongest Man in the World

In The Adventures of Pete & Pete, Artie (Toby Huss) is an eccentric strongman who can move entire houses by an inch, skip stones to Neptune, and hit golf balls 300,003 yards. For he is Artie… the strongest man… in the world!

Jim Hopper

Jim Hopper, portrayed by David Harbour, is a main character on the Netflix original series Stranger Things. He is the Police Chief of the City of Hawkins in Indiana, USA. In November 1983, Hopper lead the investigation of Will Byers’ disappearance.

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