Shout from The Fresh Beat Band
Shout (Thomas Hobson) is a character in the Nickelodeon series, The Fresh Beat Band. He is the keyboardist for the titular band. Shout has a ton of energy and excitement, though he’s also very intelligent. His catchphrase is “Cool beans!” As seen with his outfit, his favorite color is orange.
Miya Chinen from Sk8 the Infinity
Miya (voiced in Japanese by Takuma Nagatsuka and in English by Ry McKeand) is one of the main cast members of the anime Sk8 the Infinity.
He is one of the younger members of ‘S’ but is very well known in the circle for his talent. Miya does skating competitions, training to move forward with it professionally with the help of his manager. Aside from skateboarding, he also enjoys playing video games.
Miya has fluffy black hair with two ahoges, and vibrant green eyes. His outfit is very cat themed, with a striped shirt underneath a bright green and blue hoodie with cat ears, eyes, and a tail attached. He wears a pair of gloves while he skates, black sport shorts, blue socks with orange stripes on them, and yellow and white shoes with blue stripes. Miya’s skateboard is black with a purple X on the top, and a cat/game motif across the bottom.
Ogai Mori from Bungo Stray Dogs
Mori (voiced in Japanese by Mitsuru Miyamoto and in English by Keith Silverstein) is a character from the anime/manga Bungo Stray Dogs.
He is the head of the Port Mafia and horrendously ruthless to all those under him and that oppose him. He has a concerning amount of doting affection towards Elise, the embodiment of his ability.
Mori has nearly shoulder length black hair, worn back in a low ponytail. He has unkind purple eyes. The outfit he usually wears when not in doctor-esque garb is a white button up shirt, a purple tie with a black vest and pants. He wears a black long coat over it with a long red loose scarf, and finishes the outfit off with a pair of white formal gloves, and knee high brownish boots.
Yumeno Kyūsaku (Q) from Bungo Stray Dogs
Q (voiced in Japanese by Haruka Kudō and in English by Tara Sands) is part of the Port Mafia in the anime/manga Bungo Stray Dogs.
They are one of the more lethal members of the Port Mafia, despite being only 13 years old, due to how their ability works. Q is one of the few characters in Bungo that isn’t explicitly gendered, and is referred to as they in most official media.
Q has split colored hair, blackish-brown on the left and white-ish grey on the right, and two opposite shaped pupils in black and gold eyes (one starry, one circular). They wear a white shirt under a blue peacoat jacket, cream shorts with colored striped running along them, white high socks, and brown loafers. They accessorize with a little blue bowler hat with a yellow bow on the side, a golden scarf, and a red bag with a face on it. They also carry around the doll that ties into their ability.
Kouyou Ozaki from Bungo Stray Dogs
Kouyou (voiced in Japanese by Ami Koshimizu and in English by Cindy Robinson) is one of the antagonists in the anime/manga Bungo Stray Dogs.
She is one of the Port Mafia executives and has a similar type of ability to Kyouka, who she had under her control for a long time. Chuuya treats her like an older sister.
Kouyou has red hair tied up in an elegant traditional bun and eyes in a matching color, with makeup to compliment. She wears two floral detailed layered kimonos, with brown boots, and several hair pins and accessories in her hair.
Gareki from Karneval
Gareki (voiced in Japanese by Kamiya Hiroshi and in English by Greg Ayres) is the secondary main character in the anime/manga Karneval.
He’s very smart for his age and a highly competent thief, with a large distrust of people around him due to how he grew up. This has changed over the course of the series, with him growing more open towards the people that care about him, that he cares about in return.
Gareki has messy black hair and grey-blue eyes, which he wears goggles over when they’re not perched on the top of his head. He wears a black, high-collared undershirt and dark brown/maroon pants, with a long blue coat over top. The look is finished off with a pair of black gloves, and brown loafer-like shoes.
Nai from Karneval
Nai (voiced in Japanese by Hiro Shimono and in English by Sean Michael Teague) is one of the main characters in the anime/manga Karneval.
He is a very quiet and innocent person, and tends to be overly dependent and reliant on those around him. Nai has another side to his story that isn’t revealed until later on.
He has fluffy white hair that tufts out into lavender spikes on the sides and has reddish orange eyes. He wears a loose collared off-white long sleeved shirt with indigo shorts, and white heeled shoes with gold buckles, along with a cuff he wears on his wrist.
Perry from The Last of Us (HBO)
Perry (played by Jeffrey Pierce who portrayed Tommy in the original video game) is a character from HBO’s The Last of Us. He is Kathleen‘s second in command in the uprising against Fedra in Kansas City. Perry has long grey hair and a well-kept beard, and dresses in paramilitary garb, making him a perfectly suited lieutenant as Kathleen searches for Henry. Recreating Perry’s look will require you to stock up on your tactical supplies. Perry wears black pants and a well-worn green shirt, over which he dons a black tactical vest and belt. He also wears heavy-duty boots and black gloves.
Marina from The Fresh Beat Band
Marina (Shayna Rose) is a character in the Nickelodeon series, The Fresh Beat Band. She is the drummer for the titular band. She loves cracking jokes and thinking of new ideas for the group. Her catchphrases are “Hip hop and pop” and “That would be cool.” As seen with her outfit, her favorite colors are teal and pink. Get a pair of drumsticks to complete the look.
Elmer Fudd
Elmer Fudd is an accident-prone hunter from the original Looney Tunes show. He is an enemy of Bugs Bunny, determined to track down the rascally rodent during rabbit season, but ultimately, Bugs outsmarts him every time. Elmer’s outfit has had some tweaks over the years, but his overall aesthetic remains the same: a brown hunting outfit including a hat with red detailing, brown shoes, and a rifle perfect for taking down pesky rabbits. To recreate his look, you can use some red fabric paint on the inside of your hat’s earflaps.