Captain Melonhead from Ed Edd and Eddy Costume
You don't want to mess with Captain Watermelon. Beloved hero that he is, you'll have the whole neighborhood after you. And that's if Captain Watermelon doesn't take care of you himself. Though he sounds like Johnny 2x4 (voiced by David Avalon), don't get confused. He's way tougher and is not afraid to take you on.
Getting Captain Watermelon's swagger is a little hard to do but getting his look is pretty straight-forward. Start with a fake watermelon, the kind used for decorating. Cut that in half, hollow it out, and add in some eye holes and you're ready to go! Or you can go for the watermelon helmet option.
With your trusty watermelon helmet ready, finish off the outfit with a white sandals, white pants, and a yellow shirt. A bleach pen will make it easy to draw in the lines on the shirt for a closer screen match. And of course you don't want to forget plank. Blue paint for his mouth and a white banana decorated with eyes turns him into a great sidekick for the courageous Captain Watermelon!
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