Yui from Sword Art Online

Yui (voiced by Ito Kanae and Stephanie Sheh) a supporting character in the anime series Sword Art Online. An A.I. designed to help monitor the mental health of users, Yui is adopted by Kirito and Asuna when they mistake her for a child-aged player lost in the game.  Yui has two primary costumes, a simple white dress with a bow around the middle, and a more complicated pixie-inspired outfit when she is fulfilling navigation duties in ALfheim Online.  Purchasing the pink cosplay dress can be pricey, and doesn’t come with the necessary accessories, so altering a medieval-inspired dress with an asymmetrical hem by removing the sleeves can help evoke the same look, if you’re willing to be a little crafty.  Similarly, stretchy pink bracelets can be worn to mimic Yui’s anklets.

Makima from Chainsaw Man

Makima is a character of the best-selling manga, Chainsaw Man. Illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the series was serialized in the weekly Shonen Jump magazine for two years until December 2020. Chainsaw Man takes place in a world where devils are born from fears. Maikma is the head of Public Safety Divison 4. Cunning and intelligent, she manipulates Denji by using his attraction to guarantee his obedience. Later on, she is revealed to be the Control Devil, who embodies the fear of domination. Enamored by Chainsaw Man, she wants to create a world without suffering. She tries to break Denji down by causing the misfortunes in his life, but he defeats her. She gets reborn as a child called Nayuta, and in his care, she will be raised as a better person.

Nick Ramos from Dead Rising 3

Nick Ramos from Dead Rising 3

With no memory of his past and few clues to go on, Nick (voiced by Andrew Lawrence) is one of the youngest and the most mysterious protagonists in the Dead Rising series. He also makes for a great cosplay with the exception of his weapon, the sledge saw, which takes a build all its own to replicate.

Sledge saw aside, a Nick Ramos cosplay is great for people who want something with reusable pieces. A set of coveralls with the sleeves torn off, workboots, and a patch is all you really need for the clothing. A tattoo pen lets you copy the “12” tattoo on his neck, finishing off the whole look.

scarlett from total drama island

Scarlett from Total Drama Island

Scarlett (voiced by Kristi Friday) is a contestant and antagonist in Total Drama:  Pahkitew Island.  Scarlett is considered one of the smartest contestants on the island and is a member of Pimâpotew Kinosewak.  As time goes on, Scarlett’s true nature is revealed to be much more evil than her initial polite persona would have people believe.  Scarlet has red hair and oval glasses.  She wears a green skirt, yellow sweater, and knee high socks.  Her librarian-esque look is a perfectly unassuming disguise for the villainous personality she is trying to hide.

Lynn Loud Jr.

Lynn Loud is a character in the Nickelodeon show, The Loud House. At fourteen years old, she is the fifth oldest child of the Loud family, but the youngest of Lincoln’s five older sisters. She loves playing sports and roughhousing with the other siblings. Lynn can turn anything into a competition. However, she is quite superstitious and reaches absurd conclusions based on luck.

chazz darby from airheads

Chazz Darby from Airheads

Chazz Darby (played by Brendan Fraser) is the lead singer and guitarist for the band the Lone Rangers in the ’90s film Airheads.  Alongside his fellow bandmates Pip and Rex, Chazz takes control of a local radio station in order to give his band’s music some airtime.  Chazz has long hair and wears a headband to keep it off his face, a leather jacket, as well as multiple rings and necklaces to complete his quintessentially rockstar look.  Finding Chazz’s exact t-shirt is going to be nearly impossible, so you could use this opportunity to bust out a truly vintage ’90s tee from your collection with a vintage vibe, or shoot for something in a distressed wash in a similar shade of light purple.

chauncey pesky from the buzz on maggie

Chauncey Pesky from The Buzz on Maggie

Chauncey Pesky (voiced by Brian Doyle-Murray) is the patriarch of the Pesky family on the Disney Channel series The Buzz on Maggie.  Chauncey lives in a milk carton with his wife Frieda and their three children, Maggie, Aldrin, and Pupert. Chauncey wears large glasses and grey slacks with a white shirt and red tie.  If you can’t grow your own mustache, a false one can always suffice in a pinch!

Lucy Loud

Lucy Loud is a character in the Nickelodeon show, The Loud House. At nine years old, she is the fifth youngest of the Loud siblings. She’s known to mysteriously appear out of nowhere and scare people. Cynical and gloomy, Lucy likes all things spooky and dark. One might find her reciting her moody poetry or sharing her pessimistic point of view. Aside from deadpanning, she often says “Sigh” as oppose to actually sighing.

Lola Loud

Lola Loud is a character in the Nickelodeon show, The Loud House At seven years old, she is the third youngest of the Loud siblings, as well as Lana’s (younger by two minutes) twin sister. Both attend second grade, but that’s where their similarities end. In contrast to Lana’s tomboy personality, Lola is a beauty queen. Her interests include glitter, dolls, and pageants. Don’t be fooled by the sugar and spice — Lola can be quite the deceitful mastermind. Her schemes go great lengths to get her way.

James from Twilight

James is the main antagonist in Twilight. He is a vampire with incredible tracking abilities, which Laurent describes as lethal. When he discovers Bella is human, he commits to hunting her down. It’s up to Edward and the other Cullens to stop him so Bella will be safe. Cam Gigandet portrays James in the movie adaptation. Tie the blond wig into a ponytail using a hair elastic.

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