Fuu from Kingdom Hearts 2

Fuu from Kingdom Hearts 2

Fuu (voiced in Japanese by Rio Natsuki and in English by Jillian Bowen) is a semi-main character in the Twilight Town world featured in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

She is part of Seifer's disciplinary committee, along with their other friends, Rai and Vivi. Like the others, she is based off of a character from the Final Fantasy franchise, particularly FFVIII. In Kingdom Hearts she is very quiet and doesn't say much except for minimally worded sentences to convey what she wants to get across.

Fuu has very light blueish purple hair, worn over one eye, with her other eye a deep red color. She wears a sleeveless dark blue zip up shirt, with black and gold details, her pants are a very light yellowy-cream pair of capris, and periwinkle and white slip on shoes.

Fuu from Kingdom Hearts 2 Costume 1234567

About the Author


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie! I'm a 30 year old Washington-based nonbinary cosplayer that's been in the scene for the past 17-ish years! My passions are cosplaying, drawing, and playing video games, with the occasional writing dabbling (outside of articles) on the side~

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