Ayano Aishi
In Yandere Simulator, Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan, is the main character. The goal in the game for this jealous schoolgirl is to eliminate all rivals who have are interested in her Senpai.
Red Hood
In Batman, Red Hood is the alter ego of Jason Todd, who takes controls of multiple gangs in Gotham and cleanse the city of violent crime in his own way. He comes to blows against Batman and other superheroes who believe he goes too far, but he mounts a PR campaign to appeal to the public, which includes adopting a more traditional superhero costume.
Dick Gumshoe
Detective Dick Gumshoe is the friendly homicide detective met in nearly every trial Phoenix works on in the first three installments of the Ace Attorney series. He’s doggedly loyal to his job and his friends. Even if he is a bit bumbling and inept, Gumshoe tried his hardest at just about anything he does.
In Undertale, Alphys is the scientist who helps Frisk find her way through the Underground. She’s a dinosaur-like monster who loves anime (and Undyne) and she’s very shy and doesn’t have much confidence in herself. She usually wears glasses and a lab coat, but if you wish to cosplay her dating outfit, she wears a black dress with white polka-dots.
Coach from Left 4 Dead 2
In Left 4 Dead 2, Coach (voiced by Chad Coleman) was a high school teacher and football coach until the infection hit. He is the voice of reason within the group, with a healthy appetite and a big heart to match.