John Egbert from Homestuck DIY Costume Guide
John is your typical nerd. Until, of course, he isn't. He is calm and dedicated to his friends but when pushed too far he will do whatever it takes to protect his people.
John has three looks throughout the comic. The first is an all-white look with a white shirt, shite pants, and white shoes. The shirt has a picture of a creature similar to Slimer from Ghostbusters but is not quite right.
His dream version wears a yellow shirt and yellow pants with a moon decal on the shirt. Blue shoes finish off this outfit. In his god-tier outfit the colors are inverted. A pair of blue pants and a blue shirt with an air curl decal on the shirt make up the majority of his look while yellow shoes finish it off.
In all forms John has black hair that can be mimicked with a wig. And you can either choose to stick with your natural skin ton or use white body paint to get a look like John in the comics.
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