Kid Chrollo Lucilfer (Manga) from Hunter x Hunter Costume
This article will be covering how Chrollo looks in the manga as a child, if you would like to see the other articles I've written about his other appearances throughout the series, you can find them all here:
York New Disguise | Usual Outfit | Teenager (Please note that no voice actor will be listed for this, as this part of the manga has not been animated as of yet, and we don't know how he'll sound).
As a 9 year old, he has a much softer and kinder appearance than he does as an adult, and is predominantly seen wearing all white (presumably, as there are no color pages for this chapter), in contrast to his darker toned outfits later in the series. His hair is very fluffy, and worn just a few inches above his shoulders. While he does have a few slightly varied outfits, this one for this portion of the chapter is a zipped up, round collared t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and ankle height shoes. One of the main items we see him carrying around during this chapter is an old VHS tape of this universe's version of Power Rangers.
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