Kouyou Ozaki from Bungo Stray Dogs Costume

Kouyou Ozaki from Bungo Stray Dogs

Kouyou (voiced in Japanese by Ami Koshimizu and in English by Cindy Robinson) is one of the antagonists in the anime/manga Bungo Stray Dogs.

She is one of the Port Mafia executives and has a similar type of ability to Kyouka, who she had under her control for a long time. Chuuya treats her like an older sister.

Kouyou has red hair tied up in an elegant traditional bun and eyes in a matching color, with makeup to compliment. She wears two floral detailed layered kimonos, with brown boots, and several hair pins and accessories in her hair.

Kouyou Ozaki from Bungo Stray Dogs Costume 1234567

About the Author


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie! I'm a 30 year old Washington-based nonbinary cosplayer that's been in the scene for the past 17-ish years! My passions are cosplaying, drawing, and playing video games, with the occasional writing dabbling (outside of articles) on the side~

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