Miya Chinen from Sk8 the Infinity DIY Costume Guide
Miya (voiced in Japanese by Takuma Nagatsuka and in English by Ry McKeand) is one of the main cast members of the anime Sk8 the Infinity.
He is one of the younger members of 'S' but is very well known in the circle for his talent. Miya does skating competitions, training to move forward with it professionally with the help of his manager. Aside from skateboarding, he also enjoys playing video games.
Miya has fluffy black hair with two ahoges, and vibrant green eyes. His outfit is very cat themed, with a striped shirt underneath a bright green and blue hoodie with cat ears, eyes, and a tail attached. He wears a pair of gloves while he skates, black sport shorts, blue socks with orange stripes on them, and yellow and white shoes with blue stripes. Miya's skateboard is black with a purple X on the top, and a cat/game motif across the bottom.
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