Misty Luggins from The Bad Guys
Chief Misty Luggins (voiced by Alex Borstein) is a police officer intent on catching Mr. Wolf and his gang in the movie The Bad Guys. Chief Luggins has a very narrow definition of right and wrong, which becomes apparent when she remains committed to catching the Bad Guys crew even after they’ve proven themselves to be redeemable. Chief Luggins has ginger red hair and wears a short-sleeved police uniform with dark blue shorts. She also wears black boots and has six stars on the lapel of her uniform shirt.
Mr. Snake from The Bad Guys
Mr. Snake (voiced by Marc Maron) is a supporting character in the DreamWorks animated feature The Bad Guys. Mr. Snake is Mr. Wolf‘s best friend and a member of his gang. Mr. Snake is a safe cracker by trade, making him an integral part of many of Mr. Wolf’s schemes. To recreate Mr. Snake’s look, you’ll need to be a little flexible in your interpretation, as it’s obviously pretty difficult to actually look like a reptile without limbs. But by layering a hibiscus-printed shirt and a bucket hat over a yellow bodysuit, you can get close. The felt mask adds a nice touch, too. While the one pictured here is green and part of a larger set, you can also opt to go the DIY route and follow a tutorial for creating your own. Just make sure to adjust your materials to better suit Mr. Snake’s color scheme if that’s important to you.
Diane Foxington from The Bad Guys
Diane Foxington (voiced by Zazie Beetz) is a supporting character in the animated feature film The Bad Guys. Governor Foxington is a reformed thief, formerly known as the Crimson Paw, who pursued a life in politics to help make up for her past transgressions. Though initially skeptical of the redemption of Mr. Wolf and his associates including Mr. Snake, she eventually becomes one of their staunchest supporters, as well as Mr. Wolf’s love interest. Diane sports several outfits throughout the course of the film, but two of her best include the grey suit she wears as governor and the black bodysuit with a hood she dons as the Crimson Paw. The latter will work as a fully black ensemble, though you can add some of the yellow striping details with tape or paint if you prefer. Whichever look you choose to recreate, you can layer a fox mask, tail, and/or gloves under your outfit to get as close to the original as possible.
Mr. Wolf from The Bad Guys
Mr. Wolf (voiced by Sam Rockwell) is the main character of the DreamWorks animated film The Bad Guys. Mr. Wolf is the leader of the Bad Guys gang, which includes Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, Ms. Tarantula, and Mr. Pirhana. Throughout the course of the film, Mr. Wolf tries to reform himself and his crew so they no longer fall into the villain stereotypes their species fall into. He also allies himself with Diane Foxington, the Governor of California and a reformed thief herself, all while trying to evade the ruthless Chief Luggins. Mr. Wolf wears a white suit and shirt with a tan belt and shoes. To achieve the full effect, you’ll also want a wolf mask, tail, and furry gloves.
Anastasia’s Blue Boat Dress
Anastasia is the titular character of the 1997 semi-historically inspired movie from 20th Century Fox. Meg Ryan is her speaking voice, and Liz Callaway is her singing voice.
She has several outfits throughout the runtime of the movie, but this specific one is one that she wears during the dance she has on the boat with Dimitri.
It is a light blue, short sleeved dress with white cuffs that she wears a brown belt over at the waist, and a matching blue ribbon holds her long auburn hair back. Underneath it she wears a pair of black tights, with brown boots over top. Completing the outfit is a pair of pearl earrings, and the necklace she got from her grandmother as a child.
The dress that I linked in this article is custom from the Etsy seller ArtemisiaLaFee, so please do go check them out if you’re interested.
(Also a slightly funny anecdote, while I was writing this my mom came charging downstairs excitedly yelling that she had found our copy of the movie’s soundtrack on CD, unaware that I’d been writing about that exact thing.)
Cameron Poe from Con Air
Cameron Poe (played by Nicolas Cage) is the former Army Ranger imprisoned for murder at the heart of 1997’s Con Air. Poe is paroled at the beginning of the film and hitches a ride to be reunited with his wife and the daughter he’s never met on an airplane filled with violent offenders. When the inmates take over the plane, Poe must outsmart them to help law enforcement, all while protecting the precious stuffed rabbit he’s brought as his first gift to his young daughter. Poe’s hair is long by the time he is paroled, and once he sheds his prison shirt, he spends most of the film in jeans and a white tank top. To sell the look at the end of the film, you’ll need some gauze for your arm as well as a little fake blood. And don’t forget the bunny.
Coco Diablo from Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!
In Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!, Coco Diablo (voiced by Myrna Velasco) is a fashionable costume maker who sells her work to criminals with ill intentions, even those dedicated to taking down Shaggy and the gang. Coco develops a soft spot for Velma, who harbors a crush in return. This makes the notion that Velma is queer officially canon.
Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Barrel, voiced by Danny Elfman, is part of the trio of antagonistic Trick or Treaters in the 1993 movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, along with Lock and Shock.
He is presumably the youngest out of the group, and has pale blueish tinted skin, wide eyes with black and purple-red smearing around them surrounding black pupils, turquoise lips, and slicked back wavy green hair.
Barrel wears a costume similar in build to Lock’s, with it essentially being pajamas, but his are greyish or purple (depending on the version) with white stand-out bone detailing on both the shirt and pants. In line with the other two, he also has a trick or treating mask, with his being a white skeleton face that mimics his own.
Gwen Blake from The Black Phone
Gwen Blake (played by Madeleine McGraw) is the sister of Finney Blake in The Black Phone. Gwen experiences psychic dreams that shed light on The Grabber and his previous victims. Gwen wears a variety of 70s-inspired fashion choices, often favoring hues of red and yellow that run the spectrum. When recreating some of her looks, remember it’s okay to be a little interpretive, since it’s unlikely you’ll find exact copies of these vintage fashions. For her pinafore dress, you can look for one with similar colors or patterns to layer over your turtleneck. If your hair isn’t long enough to braid, a brown wig can be fashioned into pigtails instead.
Shock from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Shock, voiced by Catherine O’Hara, is part of the trio of antagonistic Trick or Treaters in the 1993 movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, along with Lock and Barrel.
She has pale green tinted skin, black eyes, stringy and curly deep turquoise hair with the same color around her eyes, and lighter turquoise on her lips.
Shock has a typical sort of witch costume, with a dusty purple hat with a ribbon, a dress of about the same color depending on the version (Kingdom Hearts has a lighter pinkish dress instead) with a darker purple trim around the collar, hem, and sleeves, and wears a green witch mask to go with her costume.
She has what appears to be grey gloves on, and what looks like black thigh high boots (you can probably go with just regular witch boots instead, with the tights listed above, and have the same effect).