Netossa from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Costume

Netossa from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

Netossa is a minor character in the Netflix animated series, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. She was a part of the original Princess Alliance, and is now a part of the current Princess Alliance. Unlike other princesses, Netossa is not tied to a kingdom or element, but she is an ally to Bright Moon. From the far reaches of Etheria, Netossa is able to cast magic nets to trap enemies. In other words, her powers revolve around energy manipulation. Netossa is rather perceptive, as she identified the weaknesses of the other princesses and figured out how to defeat Catra. She also deeply cares for her wife, Spinnerella. Despite their playful competition, she will do anything to ensure her safety.

Netossa from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Costume 12345678910

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Cosplayer, creative writer, cookie connoisseur. Pronouns: she/they.

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