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Claire Dearing

…In Jurassic World, head of park operations Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) is responsible for creating the dangerous hybrid raptor, Indominus Rex. Smart and pulled together, Claire ends up running around the island with Owen Grady in an attempt to save everyone – and all while wearing heels….

Carmen Sandiego

…Carmen Sandiego is a world-class cat thief and head of the criminal organization VILE. She’s able to elude the ACME detective agency as they chase her all over the globe, and teach kids some geography along the way. Unfortunately she rarely stays in San Diego — that would make things too obvious….

Rebecca Doppelmeyer

…In Ghost World, Rebecca Doppelmeyer (Scarlett Johansson) may feel like an outsider but she looks like the average teenage girl. Dressed in long sleeve T-shirts and solid color skirts, her wardrobe is straight out of a Gap catalog which makes it easy to recreate. The eccentric best friend is optional….

Margarita Man

…In Jurassic World, Margarita Man is a courageous individual who goes above and beyond to save his overpriced margaritas in the face of a dinosaur attack. He’s played by none other than Jimmy Buffett of Margaritaville fame, who even sips a drink to avoid spillage during his escape….

Enid Coleslaw

…In Ghost World, Enid Coleslaw (Thora Birch) is a cynical teenager with a creative side that shows in her attire. Pairing clashing patterns and vintage eyeglasses, Enid’s style requires you to have an “I don’t care” attitude because you’re probably going to raise some eyebrows. In fact, you may want to work on your witty comebacks….

Bobby Generic

…Bobby (voiced by Howie Mandel), is the main character of Bobby’s World, a little boy with an overactive imagination. Bobby is a literal thinker and it is evident throughout each episode when a character uses idioms and other figures of speech….

Vic Hoskins

…Vic Hoskins (Vincent D’Onofrio) is in charge of Jurassic World‘s private security. Vic oversaw the clean up of escaped Pteranodons in 2001. Professional and well-known, Hoskins’ developments in security have gained him partnership with the UN Security Council, as his security methods could also be used in war time….

Wayne Campbell

…Wayne Campbell, played by Mike Myers, co-hosts public access cable show Wayne’s World out of his parent’s basement in Aurora, Illinois. He likes to play air guitar, accompanied by best friend Garth Algar’s air drums. Schwing!…

Nega Scott

…Nega Scott is a major antagonist in the video game Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. He is main protagonist Scott Pilgrim’s inner darkness and his evil alter-ego, representing his forgotten flaws and mistakes….

Who Wore It Better? Retro vs. Reboot

…rek Few franchises have had as many different costumes as Star Trek. Every new iteration of the show has brought a new uniform for the crew. Now some of the changes are understandable. Roughly 75 years pass between the original series and The Next Generation. Deep Space Nine takes place during the course of Next Generation with Voyager following up on the tail end of Deep Space Nine’s run. And these are just the TV shows. I’m not even touching the